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Circulaire actuelle Staples - Noël - Valable à partir du 19.09 au 31.12 - Page n° 36

Circulaire Staples 19.09.2022 - 31.12.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

expeniences Locat Love PERSONALIZE 17 ave sacx auoGer rRiENoUY be kTT up! MALTE year-round. Give them the tools they need to help prioritize their mental and physical health. The Healthy Habits Kit comes with a set of Deluxe Anti- Slip Resistance Bands, a 240z Copper Vacuum insulated Tumbler, and a compact Fabric & Bamboo Bluetooth® Speaker to create both a mindful and active space. Healthy Habits Kit QTY 244 PRICE 586.99 AR FRS an te dc ect Ba oi ge READY TO KIT? Connect with your Stales Account Manager or contact

Derniéres circulaires

expeniences Locat Love PERSONALIZE 17 ave sacx auoGer rRiENoUY be kTT up! MALTE year-round. Give them the tools they need to help prioritize their mental and physical health. The Healthy Habits Kit comes with a set of Deluxe Anti- Slip Resistance Bands, a 240z Copper Vacuum insulated Tumbler, and a compact Fabric & Bamboo Bluetooth® Speaker to create both a mindful and active space. Healthy Habits Kit QTY 244 PRICE 586.99 AR FRS an te dc ect Ba oi ge READY TO KIT? Connect with your Stales Account Manager or contact

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