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Circulaire actuelle Zehrs - Valable à partir du 06.02 au 12.02 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Zehrs 06.02.2025 - 12.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

BALDERSON errr Tae a PC SMOKED SALMON 125/10608 SHRIMP APPETIZERS: 340-4540 ‘SEUCTEO VARIETIES FROZEN a 4 ? 8 oxy Sar White Ge COUNTRY CHURNED UNSALTED BUTTER 5 4g | AR | | | a CREVETTES ex PAPILLON . Ms Bere. LANTIC SUGAR ASTRO YOGURT Ss SELECTED VARIETIES 650/790608 PC* ae ORANGE JUICE ) si | SHUECTED VARETHS FROZEN DESSERT 14VAS6 LOR CHAPMAN’: genuiates SUGAL SUCTE gana \e 3” Multi Grain enemas mnie Cheerios: SELECTED VARETHSS 297-4376 yee ie) n clearance fens or where quantes art adverbed 3s lewted. Advertised regular pricing and product selection Maur colo. patems, stil max. vary by store location We set cctctigates to set eee ted on ees oF meg ‘ypography or photography Pricing: Al references to “Save, Was, Now. Savings, et.” & im comparison to our own regular prces Coupons must be presented and redeemed at tne of purchase. Savings os ems shown may vary in each store location, Applicable tne, deposts, surcharpes ave ex. No sles teeta otets. © The trademarks, sence marks and legs Gptoes in tis yer are Yademars of Loblaws inc and cers. Al ight ‘MasterCard and the Master; ra Mar are restores trademarks and PayPass 6 3 Yademark of MasterCard rteeratonat Incorporated President's Chace Bark a acensee of marts PC Optimum” peagram s prowded by Presdeet's Chace Services lee. President's Choce Franca! MasterCar by Presdeet’s Chace Bark Prrsdent's Choice Financial personal banking sernces are promded by Die Girect bantung Gerson of Simnpie Financial BPC, Pressdent’s Choce, PC Financ and Presents Croce Francal are snpstered Fademariss of Lobiges inc. Trademarks used under lcence. We reserve De 1 rs rraserati tamdy "eQurenents. PCOPTIMEM MEMBERS ONLY: These cers. ae cy arate : a regater as APC Optman”™ member see -sre or vst pcan ca. We ae ret ebigated to. (misgrts Mo cash alo. See aes. ca fx fl program Cetats inchuing reception . Care became wih ay ee caps, GCOS tors a8 9 ae pecrases We tse 1 maoty cance ese ers Wiha rece Praaict raiabity may rary by Saxe We egies ast We reserve De rat 2 a tenarn ene BSF Categoryies: before taees and afer redemptions ane LORS ad CscoVets are Ged.cind 9 a Sngie Tarsacton * members Tees appicatie on he purchase amount wer Gscourts PC Optmrun™ menter prong 3 not applicable to any price match programs for parbopal Cotas amoust Vaid for flyer deration, afer which the price wil be the same for beth PC Opteeen™ and stores operating unde te Lobtaws inc. bannee PEFC rights served. ©2025 Lebtaws ic. SPRUCE DROP ces vad in-store at partcpatng locations between Febrary 6-26, 2 andor canceles witioxt notice Se in-store fr fal eta.

BALDERSON errr Tae a PC SMOKED SALMON 125/10608 SHRIMP APPETIZERS: 340-4540 ‘SEUCTEO VARIETIES FROZEN a 4 ? 8 oxy Sar White Ge COUNTRY CHURNED UNSALTED BUTTER 5 4g | AR | | | a CREVETTES ex PAPILLON . Ms Bere. LANTIC SUGAR ASTRO YOGURT Ss SELECTED VARIETIES 650/790608 PC* ae ORANGE JUICE ) si | SHUECTED VARETHS FROZEN DESSERT 14VAS6 LOR CHAPMAN’: genuiates SUGAL SUCTE gana \e 3” Multi Grain enemas mnie Cheerios: SELECTED VARETHSS 297-4376 yee ie) n clearance fens or where quantes art adverbed 3s lewted. Advertised regular pricing and product selection Maur colo. patems, stil max. vary by store location We set cctctigates to set eee ted on ees oF meg ‘ypography or photography Pricing: Al references to “Save, Was, Now. Savings, et.” & im comparison to our own regular prces Coupons must be presented and redeemed at tne of purchase. Savings os ems shown may vary in each store location, Applicable tne, deposts, surcharpes ave ex. No sles teeta otets. © The trademarks, sence marks and legs Gptoes in tis yer are Yademars of Loblaws inc and cers. Al ight ‘MasterCard and the Master; ra Mar are restores trademarks and PayPass 6 3 Yademark of MasterCard rteeratonat Incorporated President's Chace Bark a acensee of marts PC Optimum” peagram s prowded by Presdeet's Chace Services lee. President's Choce Franca! MasterCar by Presdeet’s Chace Bark Prrsdent's Choice Financial personal banking sernces are promded by Die Girect bantung Gerson of Simnpie Financial BPC, Pressdent’s Choce, PC Financ and Presents Croce Francal are snpstered Fademariss of Lobiges inc. Trademarks used under lcence. We reserve De 1 rs rraserati tamdy "eQurenents. PCOPTIMEM MEMBERS ONLY: These cers. ae cy arate : a regater as APC Optman”™ member see -sre or vst pcan ca. We ae ret ebigated to. (misgrts Mo cash alo. See aes. ca fx fl program Cetats inchuing reception . Care became wih ay ee caps, GCOS tors a8 9 ae pecrases We tse 1 maoty cance ese ers Wiha rece Praaict raiabity may rary by Saxe We egies ast We reserve De rat 2 a tenarn ene BSF Categoryies: before taees and afer redemptions ane LORS ad CscoVets are Ged.cind 9 a Sngie Tarsacton * members Tees appicatie on he purchase amount wer Gscourts PC Optmrun™ menter prong 3 not applicable to any price match programs for parbopal Cotas amoust Vaid for flyer deration, afer which the price wil be the same for beth PC Opteeen™ and stores operating unde te Lobtaws inc. bannee PEFC rights served. ©2025 Lebtaws ic. SPRUCE DROP ces vad in-store at partcpatng locations between Febrary 6-26, 2 andor canceles witioxt notice Se in-store fr fal eta.

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