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Circulaire actuelle Calgary Co-op - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 05.03 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Calgary Co-op 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

C3 CALGARY CO-OP grocery store since 1956 » ? > « I BA FOUNDERS Founders & Farmers RFARMERS D Mini Cucumbers > FN TU = Green or Red 1b Mini te Seedless Grapes Alberta Gi CR. CUCUMBERS Imported ee No. 1 Grade Maple Leaf Prime RWA Boneless Boneless Pork Loin Skiniess Chicken Breast Centre & Rib End Family Pack Cryovac Grain Fed, Humanely Ralsed, Air Chilled & FA Western Canadian Canadian Farm Raised Founders & Farmers Flaked Light Tuna Cadbury DairyLand {this variety only) Chocolate Bars Friskies or Fancy Milk 2 Go 170g or Sapporo ichiban 33-60gor Excel Gumt2Pacx Feast Wet Cat Food or Neilson Milkshakes Noodies 100g or Jell-o Jelly Powder 10-859 79.4:156g 310mi Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties a Founders & Farmers 1 Can't Believe Potato Chips It's Not Butter Hunt's Snack Pack 180g or Oasis Juice or Baby Gourmet 4279 or Betty Crocker 4 Pack or Del Monte 945-960mi or Organic Puree Cake Mix 375-4049 Chef Boyardee 418-4259 CHfBars 68g orKind40gor 128mland Jars mi Select varieties Select varieties RX 529 Select varieties Select varieties . Founders & Farmers G Silk Almond Wild Pink Saimon Triscuit Crackers Christie Crispers Creamers 4189 or Old EL Paso Taco 180-2009 or Dare of Goldfish or Cheez-it 450-473ml or Cheemo Shelis & Tortiltas 125-334g Cookies or Christie Crackers 145-2279 or Perogies 815-9079 or Refried Beans 398mI Mini Cookies 150-3609 Pringles Potato Chips 148-1569 Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties S rti 1 Local Just (© ww Products from Products Got Easier! dE Western Canada. Made in Canada. PRICES IN EFFECT FEB-MAR 227 228 :01 :0 AT WxT

C3 CALGARY CO-OP grocery store since 1956 » ? > « I BA FOUNDERS Founders & Farmers RFARMERS D Mini Cucumbers > FN TU = Green or Red 1b Mini te Seedless Grapes Alberta Gi CR. CUCUMBERS Imported ee No. 1 Grade Maple Leaf Prime RWA Boneless Boneless Pork Loin Skiniess Chicken Breast Centre & Rib End Family Pack Cryovac Grain Fed, Humanely Ralsed, Air Chilled & FA Western Canadian Canadian Farm Raised Founders & Farmers Flaked Light Tuna Cadbury DairyLand {this variety only) Chocolate Bars Friskies or Fancy Milk 2 Go 170g or Sapporo ichiban 33-60gor Excel Gumt2Pacx Feast Wet Cat Food or Neilson Milkshakes Noodies 100g or Jell-o Jelly Powder 10-859 79.4:156g 310mi Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties a Founders & Farmers 1 Can't Believe Potato Chips It's Not Butter Hunt's Snack Pack 180g or Oasis Juice or Baby Gourmet 4279 or Betty Crocker 4 Pack or Del Monte 945-960mi or Organic Puree Cake Mix 375-4049 Chef Boyardee 418-4259 CHfBars 68g orKind40gor 128mland Jars mi Select varieties Select varieties RX 529 Select varieties Select varieties . Founders & Farmers G Silk Almond Wild Pink Saimon Triscuit Crackers Christie Crispers Creamers 4189 or Old EL Paso Taco 180-2009 or Dare of Goldfish or Cheez-it 450-473ml or Cheemo Shelis & Tortiltas 125-334g Cookies or Christie Crackers 145-2279 or Perogies 815-9079 or Refried Beans 398mI Mini Cookies 150-3609 Pringles Potato Chips 148-1569 Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties Select varieties S rti 1 Local Just (© ww Products from Products Got Easier! dE Western Canada. Made in Canada. PRICES IN EFFECT FEB-MAR 227 228 :01 :0 AT WxT

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