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Circulaire actuelle The Brick - Valable à partir du 28.02 au 12.03 - Page n° 21

Circulaire The Brick 28.02.2025 - 12.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Flexible Financing Available with 0% Interest. 6 D Applying is Protect your Pay online a breeze. payments with through your Get approved Simply Secure! bank account. in minutes: EI Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like a regular credit card* TAIES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE à =| The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted = at over 7,500 retail locations. En We give you time to pay with some (D of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date: Make your house a home today with the financing solutions you need. afx ls LC vuuotifour flexiti Full Details > "OA. Subject ta tra of tbe Fleiti casdhcider agreement Available plans depend où merchant and is-stose er online shopping. Mimimurs product perchase of $250 (excluéing taues) is required. Os available to Canadian ressdents. Deterred payment - no imerest, na payments. no payments ave required durmg the promo perd. Interest at the cardholéer agreement anna sterest rate (Accoent AR) accruts during Le promo period and will de charged d the balance s not paid in fu by te promo expiry date or te pres is cancelied due ta payment Gefaui on the account. Equal menti parments — no interest. no iaerest is payable during the ram period Purchase is Lo be paid in equal mostly payments ef principal lus payment getectien insurance premiums, fees, and tant, if apglicable. If any pament is messed, all rome offers a tbe account may be cancelled and upon cancellatse, interest mil be calculated at the Account AR and a éetrra fee of 553.99 - 55.59 may apph. intal Account AR is discleses upon apgeoval, varies based en cardhoiders creétmorthiness a time of application. See your corent Fleii canéhelder agreement. Men Account ARS are 31.99% - 34.99%. Any balance at Le endef the promo period bezrs imerest a the Account AR. Admis fees may a5pb depending on the merchant. fre amounts are based ca proma term eng (nct appicabie ter Quebec nesidents). Annual fee af 835.99 aps fo resiéests ot Quebec and 524.93 may app tar résidents of cher provinces. Mo payments Gelesred plans are not araslable fer Quebec resiéests, bomer, cther defesed interest promos may be available, rares by merchant. Regutar Crea Purchase. Interest-free race period of 21 days appies fer new standard revohrieg purchases That appear on an account statement for the Érst time M the balance s paid in fil by the payment due date. Instant financing is condiional pos 1D and on approved credit and valid email sdéress required Agolcations may be sabject te à séccodary, manzal teen. Promos and terms may be changed mithout otice Egibliy for promotions varies mt cardhoider créditæotiness. Financing govided by heu Fisancial 8.C. Licence Mo, 83660. Flecti. FieutiCard and Fleui Financial are trademarks of Fleut Financial Inc.

BUY NOW. PAY LATER. Flexible Financing Available with 0% Interest. 6 D Applying is Protect your Pay online a breeze. payments with through your Get approved Simply Secure! bank account. in minutes: EI Pick the plan that's best for you. Choose between equal monthly payments or deferred payments with 0% interest* You can use it just like a regular credit card* TAIES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE à =| The Brick FlexitiCard® is accepted = at over 7,500 retail locations. En We give you time to pay with some (D of the longest terms in the industry. PLUS Feel at ease with no retroactive interest on your purchases at The Brick. Unlike other retailers, interest won't be backdated to your purchase date: Make your house a home today with the financing solutions you need. afx ls LC vuuotifour flexiti Full Details > "OA. Subject ta tra of tbe Fleiti casdhcider agreement Available plans depend où merchant and is-stose er online shopping. Mimimurs product perchase of $250 (excluéing taues) is required. Os available to Canadian ressdents. Deterred payment - no imerest, na payments. no payments ave required durmg the promo perd. Interest at the cardholéer agreement anna sterest rate (Accoent AR) accruts during Le promo period and will de charged d the balance s not paid in fu by te promo expiry date or te pres is cancelied due ta payment Gefaui on the account. Equal menti parments — no interest. no iaerest is payable during the ram period Purchase is Lo be paid in equal mostly payments ef principal lus payment getectien insurance premiums, fees, and tant, if apglicable. If any pament is messed, all rome offers a tbe account may be cancelled and upon cancellatse, interest mil be calculated at the Account AR and a éetrra fee of 553.99 - 55.59 may apph. intal Account AR is discleses upon apgeoval, varies based en cardhoiders creétmorthiness a time of application. See your corent Fleii canéhelder agreement. Men Account ARS are 31.99% - 34.99%. Any balance at Le endef the promo period bezrs imerest a the Account AR. Admis fees may a5pb depending on the merchant. fre amounts are based ca proma term eng (nct appicabie ter Quebec nesidents). Annual fee af 835.99 aps fo resiéests ot Quebec and 524.93 may app tar résidents of cher provinces. Mo payments Gelesred plans are not araslable fer Quebec resiéests, bomer, cther defesed interest promos may be available, rares by merchant. Regutar Crea Purchase. Interest-free race period of 21 days appies fer new standard revohrieg purchases That appear on an account statement for the Érst time M the balance s paid in fil by the payment due date. Instant financing is condiional pos 1D and on approved credit and valid email sdéress required Agolcations may be sabject te à séccodary, manzal teen. Promos and terms may be changed mithout otice Egibliy for promotions varies mt cardhoider créditæotiness. Financing govided by heu Fisancial 8.C. Licence Mo, 83660. Flecti. FieutiCard and Fleui Financial are trademarks of Fleut Financial Inc.

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