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Circulaire actuelle The Brick - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 27.02 - Page n° 1

Circulaire The Brick 27.02.2025 - 27.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

THE nn GREAT | CANADIAN Made in Canada Serta \ Back Logic 1.1 Eurotop scucion Borspring Sold separateh. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 @ MASTERGUARD GET INTEREST |#- ot FINANCING! PROG) Vanguard 2.0 Eurotop vmcrozou Borspring sold separatel. Charcoal Queen Pillow CcomLopN n residents. No very charges, excluding taxes) is required. On avai remiums, fees and taxes, if applicable. hase. 1 any payment is missed, all promotional est rate (Account AR). ni nt AR cardholder agreement. Ne ARS are 31.9 À 5199.35 apply (excluding Quebec residents). Annual fee bit for pr varies with cardholder credit as of Flxti Financial le reserve he right to imit quant less otherwise specified. For com Minimum product purchase of ayments include payment d other fes or charges that a celled and upon cancellation, interest w dholders creditworthiness at time of application. See bears interest at the Account AIR. Administration EQUAL MONTHLY |:: offers on the PAYMENTS |. TAXES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE. See right for details.

THE nn GREAT | CANADIAN Made in Canada Serta \ Back Logic 1.1 Eurotop scucion Borspring Sold separateh. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27 @ MASTERGUARD GET INTEREST |#- ot FINANCING! PROG) Vanguard 2.0 Eurotop vmcrozou Borspring sold separatel. Charcoal Queen Pillow CcomLopN n residents. No very charges, excluding taxes) is required. On avai remiums, fees and taxes, if applicable. hase. 1 any payment is missed, all promotional est rate (Account AR). ni nt AR cardholder agreement. Ne ARS are 31.9 À 5199.35 apply (excluding Quebec residents). Annual fee bit for pr varies with cardholder credit as of Flxti Financial le reserve he right to imit quant less otherwise specified. For com Minimum product purchase of ayments include payment d other fes or charges that a celled and upon cancellation, interest w dholders creditworthiness at time of application. See bears interest at the Account AIR. Administration EQUAL MONTHLY |:: offers on the PAYMENTS |. TAXES, FEES, AND OTHER CHARGES ARE DUE AT TIME OF PURCHASE. See right for details.

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