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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 23.01 au 29.01 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 23.01.2025 - 29.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Cauliflower 88 "07 (PTE Large 4 Chopped Salad Kits Product of USA DRE ERA USA 6 BC Fresh Chicken Thighs Family Size Boneless Skinless: Product of Compliments Surre: se PE Breaded or Battered Fish Selected 454-700 g Same Item of Equal or Lesser Value 99 ri Kichens Ribs 565 g £ mn 14 Available Hot or Chilled De Eu 4 Lies Kitchen W% Pol DT 300 g or more CR Dan-D Pak 22° Compliments c Whole Roast Beef, Corned Beef, Natural 11906. Montreal Smoked Meat, 99 Amond. Butter or Almonds or Pastrami vies). pie Care) Torts “DER 650 g Selection Varles:by Store ‘Baked In-Store S PA Same tem of Equoi mn GPack 270-4009 Sem icone 219 8% 22 | 99 Cove: Les Albacore White Tuna #A% 170 g or Compliments Tropicana Nature's Path Lecière Pink Salmon 213 g Orange Juice Eco Pac Cereal Célébration or Juice Blends | Vopicna ML Tropicna| Assorted Cookies ATION 1865 PCR 650-907 g 240-350 g ange True 107 247 AA = Butt Dish Tabs ; S kB Purex 30-55 Pack Ro Cru | ï BeeMaid Bathroom Tissue or ise Al 259 8-16 Roll, m 220-235 ÿ Liquid : Poppables 130 g | { Honey Sponge Towels 2 Pack orBedt779 1 Facial Tissue 81-126 Sheets “Same Item of Equal or Lesser Value ÈS 6® | ED @ |, Aha L Portofino Sparkling Water Pan Breads 12288 mor 5 Go Bus Selected Varieties oca-Cola 120-156 g 585-810 g Soft Drinks 8x300 ml st wmmthrifyloods com for hours of aperation and stre and pharmacy locations Partners_… For every ton of paper used in the printing of this flyer, SJC's Partners in Growth CUSTOMER CARE: 1 866 948 0196 » PARTY PLATTER HOTLINE: 250 483 1666 + @ in Growth program will contribute to the planting of a tree through Trees for Life Canada. a à @ Where this symbol appears, deposit & envir levies ar ble.

Cauliflower 88 "07 (PTE Large 4 Chopped Salad Kits Product of USA DRE ERA USA 6 BC Fresh Chicken Thighs Family Size Boneless Skinless: Product of Compliments Surre: se PE Breaded or Battered Fish Selected 454-700 g Same Item of Equal or Lesser Value 99 ri Kichens Ribs 565 g £ mn 14 Available Hot or Chilled De Eu 4 Lies Kitchen W% Pol DT 300 g or more CR Dan-D Pak 22° Compliments c Whole Roast Beef, Corned Beef, Natural 11906. Montreal Smoked Meat, 99 Amond. Butter or Almonds or Pastrami vies). pie Care) Torts “DER 650 g Selection Varles:by Store ‘Baked In-Store S PA Same tem of Equoi mn GPack 270-4009 Sem icone 219 8% 22 | 99 Cove: Les Albacore White Tuna #A% 170 g or Compliments Tropicana Nature's Path Lecière Pink Salmon 213 g Orange Juice Eco Pac Cereal Célébration or Juice Blends | Vopicna ML Tropicna| Assorted Cookies ATION 1865 PCR 650-907 g 240-350 g ange True 107 247 AA = Butt Dish Tabs ; S kB Purex 30-55 Pack Ro Cru | ï BeeMaid Bathroom Tissue or ise Al 259 8-16 Roll, m 220-235 ÿ Liquid : Poppables 130 g | { Honey Sponge Towels 2 Pack orBedt779 1 Facial Tissue 81-126 Sheets “Same Item of Equal or Lesser Value ÈS 6® | ED @ |, Aha L Portofino Sparkling Water Pan Breads 12288 mor 5 Go Bus Selected Varieties oca-Cola 120-156 g 585-810 g Soft Drinks 8x300 ml st wmmthrifyloods com for hours of aperation and stre and pharmacy locations Partners_… For every ton of paper used in the printing of this flyer, SJC's Partners in Growth CUSTOMER CARE: 1 866 948 0196 » PARTY PLATTER HOTLINE: 250 483 1666 + @ in Growth program will contribute to the planting of a tree through Trees for Life Canada. a à @ Where this symbol appears, deposit & envir levies ar ble.

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