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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 27.02 au 05.03 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 27.02.2025 - 05.03.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

THRIFTY FOODS ll € Eat happy 49 Extra Large Green Grapes 3 7 Product of Peru or Chile 234 ns Fresh Pork Shoulder Steaks Family Size or Roast Bone-In Product of Western Canada $7.69/kg Previousiy Frozen or Frozen n906 $18410/Ib de BC Roaster Potatoes Grown on Vancouver as 7 ne Compliments 599 Compliments Muffins Feta 200 g en 4-6 Pack, 400-600 g 22° Wild Sockeye Salmon Fillets Pr] SAVE Leol7T: 99 ::: Fresh Lean Ground Beef Family Size de $9.90/kg or without card, $11.00/kg 47 = 47 General Mills Cheerios | roi Family Size fs Peanut Butter Cereal ee ke 750 g-1 kg, Selected Compliments 475-778 | Honey 500 g or ÿ Bonne Maman 7 Jam 250-290 mL or Lemon Curd 360 9 ce 2°7 > Der 2322 > we OFF Random Cut Cheese EACH 108 . nil He ps SR Island Farms Eee ’ Classico 2 random Weigh ji 5 Pasta Souce Packaged in Nanaimo Se me [I Il N EN 218-600 mL Sour Cream CINE | | 2- 750 gor 99 rt Tree Island 8 Greek or Cream Top ! CRUE Yogurt 022 yitout Tribal Java 325-500 g 1 uen Card Coffee 400 g Made in Victoria Roasted in Vernon or Cumberland = = _ — — — SPEND °125 Thatslike 3 DAYS ONLY OR MORE soins a March1,2025. 7 GET groceries Dbon'TFORGET YOUR COUPON É =

THRIFTY FOODS ll € Eat happy 49 Extra Large Green Grapes 3 7 Product of Peru or Chile 234 ns Fresh Pork Shoulder Steaks Family Size or Roast Bone-In Product of Western Canada $7.69/kg Previousiy Frozen or Frozen n906 $18410/Ib de BC Roaster Potatoes Grown on Vancouver as 7 ne Compliments 599 Compliments Muffins Feta 200 g en 4-6 Pack, 400-600 g 22° Wild Sockeye Salmon Fillets Pr] SAVE Leol7T: 99 ::: Fresh Lean Ground Beef Family Size de $9.90/kg or without card, $11.00/kg 47 = 47 General Mills Cheerios | roi Family Size fs Peanut Butter Cereal ee ke 750 g-1 kg, Selected Compliments 475-778 | Honey 500 g or ÿ Bonne Maman 7 Jam 250-290 mL or Lemon Curd 360 9 ce 2°7 > Der 2322 > we OFF Random Cut Cheese EACH 108 . nil He ps SR Island Farms Eee ’ Classico 2 random Weigh ji 5 Pasta Souce Packaged in Nanaimo Se me [I Il N EN 218-600 mL Sour Cream CINE | | 2- 750 gor 99 rt Tree Island 8 Greek or Cream Top ! CRUE Yogurt 022 yitout Tribal Java 325-500 g 1 uen Card Coffee 400 g Made in Victoria Roasted in Vernon or Cumberland = = _ — — — SPEND °125 Thatslike 3 DAYS ONLY OR MORE soins a March1,2025. 7 GET groceries Dbon'TFORGET YOUR COUPON É =

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