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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 14.03 au 20.03 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 14.03.2024 - 20.03.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

6” Sterling Silver Fresh Beef Inside Round Roast Cut from Canada AAA Grade Beef $15.41/kg or Roast, Boneless Product of.Western Canada $#1.00/kg 7 ps SS Fresh Pork Loin Chops ns 9 25; or. Fu Jack Daniels Seasoned or Schneïders Natural Smoked Side Bacon or Juicy Jumbos, Selected, 375-450 g or Fully Cooked Maple Leaf Ready Crisp Bacon Fresh Lamb Li Entrées, Selected, 65-85 g Wie, Shank Pulled POrk, Pork Shoulder Blade or Beef Brisket 425-454 g Regular Retail: Starting at $14.49 Each Butt Portions, Bone-In. Product of KT ON ec Fresh Chicken / Western Canada CRT Breast Filets N $26.43/kg Product of Surrey 8 ns $19.82/kg Fresh Ground Turkey Thigh Product of Western Canada “ Arbutus Farms ÆExcludes Ground'Breast) Smash ‘Ems Prairie Potatoes $18.72/k9 EAN: Fully Cooked Ready to Smash-Heat-Serve Assorted Varieties, 1 kg Product of Cowichan Valley Thrifty Kitchens Ahi Tuna Poke Responsibly Sourced Read}y-to-Eat Made In-Store Daily $14.92/b ah Janes Seafood Ultimates 15: Breaded or Battered Am Fish Fillets without Scenes cars FT0Zen, Selected 530-615 g Regular Retail: $18.99 Each Caughtin BC Waters Weather Pérmiting $8.57/b = RE an A CEE RC premier in qe rm

Derniéres circulaires

6” Sterling Silver Fresh Beef Inside Round Roast Cut from Canada AAA Grade Beef $15.41/kg or Roast, Boneless Product of.Western Canada $#1.00/kg 7 ps SS Fresh Pork Loin Chops ns 9 25; or. Fu Jack Daniels Seasoned or Schneïders Natural Smoked Side Bacon or Juicy Jumbos, Selected, 375-450 g or Fully Cooked Maple Leaf Ready Crisp Bacon Fresh Lamb Li Entrées, Selected, 65-85 g Wie, Shank Pulled POrk, Pork Shoulder Blade or Beef Brisket 425-454 g Regular Retail: Starting at $14.49 Each Butt Portions, Bone-In. Product of KT ON ec Fresh Chicken / Western Canada CRT Breast Filets N $26.43/kg Product of Surrey 8 ns $19.82/kg Fresh Ground Turkey Thigh Product of Western Canada “ Arbutus Farms ÆExcludes Ground'Breast) Smash ‘Ems Prairie Potatoes $18.72/k9 EAN: Fully Cooked Ready to Smash-Heat-Serve Assorted Varieties, 1 kg Product of Cowichan Valley Thrifty Kitchens Ahi Tuna Poke Responsibly Sourced Read}y-to-Eat Made In-Store Daily $14.92/b ah Janes Seafood Ultimates 15: Breaded or Battered Am Fish Fillets without Scenes cars FT0Zen, Selected 530-615 g Regular Retail: $18.99 Each Caughtin BC Waters Weather Pérmiting $8.57/b = RE an A CEE RC premier in qe rm

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