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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 16.01 au 22.01 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 16.01.2025 - 22.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

Red Seedless Fresh Pork Loin Chops TER A9 Ps 89 ri ene Organic Spring Mix _ ns when you buy 2 RS COR 8. Product of Chile Bone-In or Baby Spinacl or Péru, $9.90/k: Product of Western Canada , g Product of USA $6.37/kg 1429, 5 oz. Pack 2/8 Earthbound Farm 4° Armstrong Cheese 600 g. Shreds 450-500 9, (à Siices 500 g or Saputo Mozzarellissima 690 g 8° Silk Beverages | Assorted Varieties 175-189 L 2/7 25 Miss Vickie's Dare 2 S Kettle Chips Breton or Vinta Crackers | 190-200 g or 185-225 g or Goldfish | Ruffles Crackers or Crisps | Potato Chips 156-227 9 180-200 g Clover Leaf Skipjack Light Tuna 170 g or Flavoured Tuna 85 g 1 Nature Valley GRAN Purex Sweet & Salty D 8 Et Bathroom Tissue Granola, | 24=48 Rolls or Protein or a 12=48 Rolls or Fibre 1 Bars Sponge Towels or Betty Crocker DE 6-12 Rolls Fruit Shapes 125-226 9, Selected Varieties TU Wonderful Thrifty Kitchens Pistachios Soup or Selected Chili or Chowder 200-225 g $8.99 Each 700 ml PTE Ma ere CERTES) Becel Margarine 637-850 g CET 500 g or more 222 Compliments Black Forest Ham, Honey Ham, Cooked Turkey or Smoked Turkey Sliced Fresh when ou buy 1 152° Single Layer TEAM'S Shortcakes 885-950 9 Os Pearl Milling Company Cent LE Pearl Miling Company Pancake Mix 905 g or Syrup 710 mt 2322 CUSTOMER CARE: 1 Vis tit Partners in Growth For every ton of paper used in the printing of this flyer, SJC's Partners in Growth program wi contribute to the planting of a tre through Trees for Life Canada HO EX & ) Where is symbol appears, deposit & emvro levis are applicable.

Red Seedless Fresh Pork Loin Chops TER A9 Ps 89 ri ene Organic Spring Mix _ ns when you buy 2 RS COR 8. Product of Chile Bone-In or Baby Spinacl or Péru, $9.90/k: Product of Western Canada , g Product of USA $6.37/kg 1429, 5 oz. Pack 2/8 Earthbound Farm 4° Armstrong Cheese 600 g. Shreds 450-500 9, (à Siices 500 g or Saputo Mozzarellissima 690 g 8° Silk Beverages | Assorted Varieties 175-189 L 2/7 25 Miss Vickie's Dare 2 S Kettle Chips Breton or Vinta Crackers | 190-200 g or 185-225 g or Goldfish | Ruffles Crackers or Crisps | Potato Chips 156-227 9 180-200 g Clover Leaf Skipjack Light Tuna 170 g or Flavoured Tuna 85 g 1 Nature Valley GRAN Purex Sweet & Salty D 8 Et Bathroom Tissue Granola, | 24=48 Rolls or Protein or a 12=48 Rolls or Fibre 1 Bars Sponge Towels or Betty Crocker DE 6-12 Rolls Fruit Shapes 125-226 9, Selected Varieties TU Wonderful Thrifty Kitchens Pistachios Soup or Selected Chili or Chowder 200-225 g $8.99 Each 700 ml PTE Ma ere CERTES) Becel Margarine 637-850 g CET 500 g or more 222 Compliments Black Forest Ham, Honey Ham, Cooked Turkey or Smoked Turkey Sliced Fresh when ou buy 1 152° Single Layer TEAM'S Shortcakes 885-950 9 Os Pearl Milling Company Cent LE Pearl Miling Company Pancake Mix 905 g or Syrup 710 mt 2322 CUSTOMER CARE: 1 Vis tit Partners in Growth For every ton of paper used in the printing of this flyer, SJC's Partners in Growth program wi contribute to the planting of a tre through Trees for Life Canada HO EX & ) Where is symbol appears, deposit & emvro levis are applicable.

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