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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Noël - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

HEALTH & BEAUTY | HOLIDAY INSIDERS Everything PC’ for holiday magic. Only here. Crispy Shrimp Croustillants Aux chevettes PC* double cream pc" cp Shimp Cotton Er rameroet Es 1422 sense 05209 00 = - aan 29 3 Due PC Eater Pur pie pas PC Non-Stick PC' aluminum baking sheet 99 Carbon Steel Donut Pan PC* Cast Aluminum 2pack 2.cup Holiday Fluted Cake Pan a selected varieties, rozen, 907 g LOAD TO GET‘ PC* chicken wings 1 5922. buy 1PC* or no name* wingsin the meat department get 1,500 buy 2 PC* or no name” wings in ‘he meat department get 5,000: buy 3 PC ornoname? wingain the meat department get 12,000 € Mieux que des aies sog|2 RCYHR Good Te Be age ss. boneless chicken tu PC: Jerk Chicken Wi irkey chunks on icken Wings 1522 ea selected varieties, frozen, 800 g LPPEUE EE ve from Thursday, No EP ANNE ROLE 2 E [w| [+] REAL CANADIAN É Te 2 RTE a ENT SUPERSTORE

Derniéres circulaires

HEALTH & BEAUTY | HOLIDAY INSIDERS Everything PC’ for holiday magic. Only here. Crispy Shrimp Croustillants Aux chevettes PC* double cream pc" cp Shimp Cotton Er rameroet Es 1422 sense 05209 00 = - aan 29 3 Due PC Eater Pur pie pas PC Non-Stick PC' aluminum baking sheet 99 Carbon Steel Donut Pan PC* Cast Aluminum 2pack 2.cup Holiday Fluted Cake Pan a selected varieties, rozen, 907 g LOAD TO GET‘ PC* chicken wings 1 5922. buy 1PC* or no name* wingsin the meat department get 1,500 buy 2 PC* or no name” wings in ‘he meat department get 5,000: buy 3 PC ornoname? wingain the meat department get 12,000 € Mieux que des aies sog|2 RCYHR Good Te Be age ss. boneless chicken tu PC: Jerk Chicken Wi irkey chunks on icken Wings 1522 ea selected varieties, frozen, 800 g LPPEUE EE ve from Thursday, No EP ANNE ROLE 2 E [w| [+] REAL CANADIAN É Te 2 RTE a ENT SUPERSTORE

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