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Circulaire actuelle Atlantic Superstore - Black Friday - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 6

Circulaire Atlantic Superstore 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

PC* Organics whole cremini or white mushroom: product of Canada champignons cremini £ blancs entiers PC* Biolô ANESAASONN EAATMEMION ER 99 (25%. b M VARIETY PACI | \RIET' PC: variety pack En d. tomatoes 681 £ product of Mexic: or mammoth kiwi 11b clamshell product of U.S.A. tomates Assortiment, PC ou kiwi mammof Zee FARM LA PC’ mixed greens À 4 142 g selected varieties M or Popeye Select Spinach 283 g product of U.S.A. | mélange de légumes- feuilles PC* ou épinards; de cl À GS EA2TIENES LA in-store pr bowis selected varities 400-450 g bols préparés en magasin PONS EAN ER The Del gs Applewood smoked English cheddar 150 dar anglais fumé Applewood 22 ER Be once 250/280 g 7 TS RA2 BALDERSON no. 1 grade 8.80/k£ raisins noirs sans pél 199 | 45 9 Pineapple Naturally Imperfect: proguot ” ce pean or yellow dragon proue of UX Stbasted | pea product of Colo: 2ké bag nuts ananas ou pitAyal arachides karachides on Naturellement grillées imparfaits: sansnom' 2007. ER al New World sn à @. \ emballés New World FarmS: 2 Det ENS LA "+ y Oliveri pasta 280-700 g or 670 0e sauce 600 mL ° rés o de selected varieties lañiéreldejpoulet ni pâtes ou sauces RES à Rue Olivieri pos EARSTAN EA 9 = 729 CA natt ï Member price Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meat selected varieties 150/175 g 7 charcuteries Natural À Selections Maple Leaf GAS EAIOSEES ER = raincoast crisps e% n00$ raincoast crisps Sikorski villageféarlic, } Lesley Stowe Raincoast crisps chorizo, Sa selected varieties Polish{Koi 1509 saucis craquelins Raincoast Crisps Lesley Stowe chori?d A Pis SEAT nn LS

Derniéres circulaires

PC* Organics whole cremini or white mushroom: product of Canada champignons cremini £ blancs entiers PC* Biolô ANESAASONN EAATMEMION ER 99 (25%. b M VARIETY PACI | \RIET' PC: variety pack En d. tomatoes 681 £ product of Mexic: or mammoth kiwi 11b clamshell product of U.S.A. tomates Assortiment, PC ou kiwi mammof Zee FARM LA PC’ mixed greens À 4 142 g selected varieties M or Popeye Select Spinach 283 g product of U.S.A. | mélange de légumes- feuilles PC* ou épinards; de cl À GS EA2TIENES LA in-store pr bowis selected varities 400-450 g bols préparés en magasin PONS EAN ER The Del gs Applewood smoked English cheddar 150 dar anglais fumé Applewood 22 ER Be once 250/280 g 7 TS RA2 BALDERSON no. 1 grade 8.80/k£ raisins noirs sans pél 199 | 45 9 Pineapple Naturally Imperfect: proguot ” ce pean or yellow dragon proue of UX Stbasted | pea product of Colo: 2ké bag nuts ananas ou pitAyal arachides karachides on Naturellement grillées imparfaits: sansnom' 2007. ER al New World sn à @. \ emballés New World FarmS: 2 Det ENS LA "+ y Oliveri pasta 280-700 g or 670 0e sauce 600 mL ° rés o de selected varieties lañiéreldejpoulet ni pâtes ou sauces RES à Rue Olivieri pos EARSTAN EA 9 = 729 CA natt ï Member price Maple Leaf Natural Selections deli meat selected varieties 150/175 g 7 charcuteries Natural À Selections Maple Leaf GAS EAIOSEES ER = raincoast crisps e% n00$ raincoast crisps Sikorski villageféarlic, } Lesley Stowe Raincoast crisps chorizo, Sa selected varieties Polish{Koi 1509 saucis craquelins Raincoast Crisps Lesley Stowe chori?d A Pis SEAT nn LS

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