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Circulaire actuelle Calgary Co-op - Fête des Mères - Valable à partir du 11.05 au 17.05 - Page n° 8

Circulaire Calgary Co-op 11.05.2023 - 17.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

PRODUCE WR28-PGE Lemons € Imported Fancy ea Ambrosia Apples BC Grown Extra Fancy M { | 99 < { 39/kg \ Cal & Gary's A — ÿ Apple Siices { “2! 1] + a 1. Pineapple Imported et pr No. 1 Grade Imported No.1 Grade ea } NA D oh ; ; : _…" ° 5 4 L dl. ù f Cantaloupe à € ‘ + Large 96 Imported Avocados No. 1 Grade vd ( ? Imported \ No. 1 Grade °c 49 / Cal & Gary's 3.28/kg | Cantaloupe or #7 Cal & Gary's | Guacamole or Salsa OFF 250-3209 Green Onions or Radishes Cal & Gary's Product of USA Celery Sticks jo. 1 Grade 2007 $1- Æ 99: z 3% Me LR P Celery Product of USA G 6 5 Cal & Gary's Sliced Radishes or Diced OFF /6 Green Onions Eat Smart 3.73/kg 1003509 Salad Kits 284-3409 _ Iceberg Lettuce Assorted varieties LATE Product of USA | WARS No. 1 Grade Product of USA Cal & Gary's Coleslaw, Kaleslaw or Sweet Kale Mix 2252905 ; $ = f . 1. Se , AN \ ne. ; ELiTTLE } PéTATe ©, ce. Le y summer VUE Red or White Onions SE es É Imported No. 1 Grade r 49 | ] ES Potato Company 99 f al 'otatoes L « ° Pre se tof Canada/USA ea £ .28/kg nn. NolGradé

Derniéres circulaires

PRODUCE WR28-PGE Lemons € Imported Fancy ea Ambrosia Apples BC Grown Extra Fancy M { | 99 < { 39/kg \ Cal & Gary's A — ÿ Apple Siices { “2! 1] + a 1. Pineapple Imported et pr No. 1 Grade Imported No.1 Grade ea } NA D oh ; ; : _…" ° 5 4 L dl. ù f Cantaloupe à € ‘ + Large 96 Imported Avocados No. 1 Grade vd ( ? Imported \ No. 1 Grade °c 49 / Cal & Gary's 3.28/kg | Cantaloupe or #7 Cal & Gary's | Guacamole or Salsa OFF 250-3209 Green Onions or Radishes Cal & Gary's Product of USA Celery Sticks jo. 1 Grade 2007 $1- Æ 99: z 3% Me LR P Celery Product of USA G 6 5 Cal & Gary's Sliced Radishes or Diced OFF /6 Green Onions Eat Smart 3.73/kg 1003509 Salad Kits 284-3409 _ Iceberg Lettuce Assorted varieties LATE Product of USA | WARS No. 1 Grade Product of USA Cal & Gary's Coleslaw, Kaleslaw or Sweet Kale Mix 2252905 ; $ = f . 1. Se , AN \ ne. ; ELiTTLE } PéTATe ©, ce. Le y summer VUE Red or White Onions SE es É Imported No. 1 Grade r 49 | ] ES Potato Company 99 f al 'otatoes L « ° Pre se tof Canada/USA ea £ .28/kg nn. NolGradé

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