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Circulaire actuelle Calgary Co-op - Journée internationale des femmes - Valable à partir du 02.03 au 08.03 - Page n° 11

Circulaire Calgary Co-op 02.03.2023 - 08.03.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

. = + Orange Juice, = Armstrong . + Lemonade or 4 Cheese Slices * Armstrong * Gold Peak Iced or Shreds 82°: « Cheese Snacks 2e su <teamers _ « Tea e 180-210g e 263L « Select varieties e Select varieties 500g Select varieties . St varieties Lt =. + Tenderfiake ( ME n : Danone RS ° Pie&Tart 2 Activia Yogurt * Philadelphia * Shells * Foothills 650g or Two Good . Cream Cheese 99 « 255-3979 or Cool « Ice Cream GS Yogurt 4x93m 2$ « 3409 ea + Wnip Topping IL e LAL Select varieties « Select varieties « Select varieties e Select varieties DE on + McCain Fries, » Pillsbury Pizza # Amy's Organic Nature's Path ° Taters& Pops or Bites en Entrées 99 Waffles 49: Hashbrowns 6937609 © 241284 10g e 454:900g Select varieties à Select varietles Select varieties « Select varieties e éa8s Sr ds = — d _ + Nature's Way Botanica 7 an A : Omega Z à Nitaces S PertectGreens Osharcre © sn : © » or AutraVeg © lect varieties + Select varieties * Lung Flu: * Select varieties &sizes Lis e &sizes DES e 500mI ES e &sizes 2e, +. . . . ….. North Coast } Andalou Naturals %: om A :: : Nes 27, Supplements Oo: © -N © Se varielles OFF * varie & 2$ : sect ÉVarieties OFF © ssec ae OFF sizes 4” 5 Daiya . Cal & Gary's * Angie's Boom Gluten Free * Gluten Free * Chick À Pop Pizza 99: TH 99 : roncom 99 444-542g a « Flour ° 136-1989 ou Select varieties . Saet varieties . 450g + Select varleties CALGARY CO-OP ÿ Coconut, carrot, tumeric and apple come EE DE Get Inopied together perfectiy in this superfood smoothie. WRLuLLETS Wxs-PGT

Derniéres circulaires

. = + Orange Juice, = Armstrong . + Lemonade or 4 Cheese Slices * Armstrong * Gold Peak Iced or Shreds 82°: « Cheese Snacks 2e su <teamers _ « Tea e 180-210g e 263L « Select varieties e Select varieties 500g Select varieties . St varieties Lt =. + Tenderfiake ( ME n : Danone RS ° Pie&Tart 2 Activia Yogurt * Philadelphia * Shells * Foothills 650g or Two Good . Cream Cheese 99 « 255-3979 or Cool « Ice Cream GS Yogurt 4x93m 2$ « 3409 ea + Wnip Topping IL e LAL Select varieties « Select varieties « Select varieties e Select varieties DE on + McCain Fries, » Pillsbury Pizza # Amy's Organic Nature's Path ° Taters& Pops or Bites en Entrées 99 Waffles 49: Hashbrowns 6937609 © 241284 10g e 454:900g Select varieties à Select varietles Select varieties « Select varieties e éa8s Sr ds = — d _ + Nature's Way Botanica 7 an A : Omega Z à Nitaces S PertectGreens Osharcre © sn : © » or AutraVeg © lect varieties + Select varieties * Lung Flu: * Select varieties &sizes Lis e &sizes DES e 500mI ES e &sizes 2e, +. . . . ….. North Coast } Andalou Naturals %: om A :: : Nes 27, Supplements Oo: © -N © Se varielles OFF * varie & 2$ : sect ÉVarieties OFF © ssec ae OFF sizes 4” 5 Daiya . Cal & Gary's * Angie's Boom Gluten Free * Gluten Free * Chick À Pop Pizza 99: TH 99 : roncom 99 444-542g a « Flour ° 136-1989 ou Select varieties . Saet varieties . 450g + Select varleties CALGARY CO-OP ÿ Coconut, carrot, tumeric and apple come EE DE Get Inopied together perfectiy in this superfood smoothie. WRLuLLETS Wxs-PGT

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