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Circulaire actuelle Coppa's Fresh Market - Valable à partir du 13.09 au 22.09 - Page n° 13

Circulaire Coppa's Fresh Market 13.09.2022 - 22.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

599. 13.21kg Wagener's Black Forest Ham, Freshly Sliced at the Deli 13°, 30.84/kg Imported From Norway Jarlsberg Cheese Regular or Light, Freshly Cut at the Deli 9 99. 22.021kg Saputo Provolone Gigantino Cheese Regular or Light, Freshly Sliced at the Deli 799 Cayer Havarti Cheese Regular or Light, Freshly Sliced at the Deli lb 17.61kg

Derniéres circulaires

599. 13.21kg Wagener's Black Forest Ham, Freshly Sliced at the Deli 13°, 30.84/kg Imported From Norway Jarlsberg Cheese Regular or Light, Freshly Cut at the Deli 9 99. 22.021kg Saputo Provolone Gigantino Cheese Regular or Light, Freshly Sliced at the Deli 799 Cayer Havarti Cheese Regular or Light, Freshly Sliced at the Deli lb 17.61kg

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