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Circulaire actuelle Dominion - Thanksgiving Day - Valable à partir du 05.10 au 11.10 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Dominion 05.10.2023 - 11.10.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

25 7 Canadian snow crab clusters leg and claw frozen or previously frozen > 17.61K8 D: 21534626 KG ÿ— 45 C7 LEE Scotsburn Premium ice cream 1.5 L or Chapman'’s premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet 2 L or Super novelties 6-20's selected varieties SON EARHIIZ ER 55 D LS PC: frozen vegetables selected varieties frozen 850-750 g 20318915 EA/Z1508686 EA (CNE Tu 2 DOTE DORETE "1 " CS Oikos Greek Black Diamond yogurt LE <P cheestrings 650/750 £g or (@) { FON selected varieties PC’ orange juice 12/16 Le 2.5L . CE") 202661 EAOMNSO EA selected varieties ODA EAAEANERE EA = when you buy 2 un Less than 2 ETS PC’ Blue Menu Tostitos tortilla Hershey's beans 540 mL chips or Humpty LA Chipits tomoatoes 796 mL Dumpty or Old Dutch" selected selected varieties : cheese flavoured varieties ne snacks or party mix 180-270 g selected varieties 2H ENTIER 205-300 g DOSoSI EN2ASIB ER when you buy 2 CODE" JU ” LIST LC: 20.4 9029 6 Less than 2 ne S5%ea à . —- EE 2 Dr. Oetker Ristorañte = ; Scotsburn or Fancy Feast 2 or Casa Di Mamd = caxtercream 85gor £ pizza —— selected varieties Friskies cat foo: 1 selected varieties Æ1c 156 g frozen D roue Enzo En selected æ > 320-410 £ 3 varieties < ZNOON FA THEN ER =" 20221 ERA EA 1 ” 14 ‘25 Finish 40-555, potted mums, 4: Autumn crisp Cascade 39-48"S101 selected varéties Se ages bouquets Cascade action p 6 inch dE À selected varieties 60's or Gain laundi each Se NE EA ram ta l Quantities and/or solection of tems may be limited and may not be avlable in al stores, For inquiries on product availblity at your store please contact Customer Relations at he above phone number, No Rinchecks OR Substiuins on tes ae adrersed as imite Advertised regular pricig and product selection (lavour, cor, pattes sie) may vary by store location, We are not bgate tn sel tes based on os or miss in ypagraph graph Ping. Al references to Save, as Non, Sarngs, ci comparison our un reguar prices. Coupons must presented and redeëmed aime of purchase Savings on iams show may vry in each store location, Aplcable taxes, x emvronmental sucharges are extra. No Sale o retl outets. @/" The bademars, service mari and logos Gisplayed in is er are tademacks af Labaus In. and others. Al gts reserved. © 2023 Loblans inc asterard and the MastrCar Brand M steod trademarks and PayPass à a trademark of MasterCard itematioral incroraed. Presents Coice Bank a Bcense a maris, PC Oplmum program à proided by Presents Choice Series ic. President Chic Financial MasterCard pie by President Choice Bank President Choice Franc personal ban ep irc @PC, Presents Choice and President Choice Anancal en mars of Lou Inc. Trademarks used der cenc. Me à requirements. PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These ofers ar oniy alle vi le ae at cblgaed to sprint. No cash vale. See program dead ncuingredempion 0 prints, Tee fes cannot be combine wi any ses. Me reserve to mad à mount on he say price wi be he same for both PC Opimun” 9 sors perabng under he ob ic. anne: DA BACK

Derniéres circulaires

25 7 Canadian snow crab clusters leg and claw frozen or previously frozen > 17.61K8 D: 21534626 KG ÿ— 45 C7 LEE Scotsburn Premium ice cream 1.5 L or Chapman'’s premium ice cream, frozen yogurt, sorbet 2 L or Super novelties 6-20's selected varieties SON EARHIIZ ER 55 D LS PC: frozen vegetables selected varieties frozen 850-750 g 20318915 EA/Z1508686 EA (CNE Tu 2 DOTE DORETE "1 " CS Oikos Greek Black Diamond yogurt LE <P cheestrings 650/750 £g or (@) { FON selected varieties PC’ orange juice 12/16 Le 2.5L . CE") 202661 EAOMNSO EA selected varieties ODA EAAEANERE EA = when you buy 2 un Less than 2 ETS PC’ Blue Menu Tostitos tortilla Hershey's beans 540 mL chips or Humpty LA Chipits tomoatoes 796 mL Dumpty or Old Dutch" selected selected varieties : cheese flavoured varieties ne snacks or party mix 180-270 g selected varieties 2H ENTIER 205-300 g DOSoSI EN2ASIB ER when you buy 2 CODE" JU ” LIST LC: 20.4 9029 6 Less than 2 ne S5%ea à . —- EE 2 Dr. Oetker Ristorañte = ; Scotsburn or Fancy Feast 2 or Casa Di Mamd = caxtercream 85gor £ pizza —— selected varieties Friskies cat foo: 1 selected varieties Æ1c 156 g frozen D roue Enzo En selected æ > 320-410 £ 3 varieties < ZNOON FA THEN ER =" 20221 ERA EA 1 ” 14 ‘25 Finish 40-555, potted mums, 4: Autumn crisp Cascade 39-48"S101 selected varéties Se ages bouquets Cascade action p 6 inch dE À selected varieties 60's or Gain laundi each Se NE EA ram ta l Quantities and/or solection of tems may be limited and may not be avlable in al stores, For inquiries on product availblity at your store please contact Customer Relations at he above phone number, No Rinchecks OR Substiuins on tes ae adrersed as imite Advertised regular pricig and product selection (lavour, cor, pattes sie) may vary by store location, We are not bgate tn sel tes based on os or miss in ypagraph graph Ping. Al references to Save, as Non, Sarngs, ci comparison our un reguar prices. Coupons must presented and redeëmed aime of purchase Savings on iams show may vry in each store location, Aplcable taxes, x emvronmental sucharges are extra. No Sale o retl outets. @/" The bademars, service mari and logos Gisplayed in is er are tademacks af Labaus In. and others. Al gts reserved. © 2023 Loblans inc asterard and the MastrCar Brand M steod trademarks and PayPass à a trademark of MasterCard itematioral incroraed. Presents Coice Bank a Bcense a maris, PC Oplmum program à proided by Presents Choice Series ic. President Chic Financial MasterCard pie by President Choice Bank President Choice Franc personal ban ep irc @PC, Presents Choice and President Choice Anancal en mars of Lou Inc. Trademarks used der cenc. Me à requirements. PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These ofers ar oniy alle vi le ae at cblgaed to sprint. No cash vale. See program dead ncuingredempion 0 prints, Tee fes cannot be combine wi any ses. Me reserve to mad à mount on he say price wi be he same for both PC Opimun” 9 sors perabng under he ob ic. anne: DA BACK

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