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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Saint Valentin - Valable à partir du 09.02 au 15.02 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Fortinos 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Ferrero Rocher or Collection T16 hearts or Baci ‘chocolates selected varieties 2 ASE Select grade beef or higher club pack 176148 L à striploin steak Ib cut from Canada AA or USDA 7L lean ground beef largejripe or organic'avocado product GfMexicoglt69 ea., ‘Sweetest Batch déc léttuce 1.69 ea., Driscoll's strawberries ‘asparagus off green zucchini or eggplant EE covered product of U.S.A. or Dforoduct of + 9, 1.69 lb 3.73/kg, product of D strawberries 26.43/8 Mexico, no. 1 grade no grade U.S.A. or Mexico product of U.S.A 6.5948 are Ÿ RAW_ LENS Ê EE ques, p same 2? CT S , > 15 MONTE . te er. = Les a à À Ée Es ê large white Pinty's chicken wings, 9" Zipperback® Ib Fortinos fresh sausage Ib PC® chicken wings chunks or fillets Or selected varieties tips removed selected varieties, frozen 31-40 per Ib, frozen .80KE 2.90% 750.790 8 400% FORT 1 CI

Ferrero Rocher or Collection T16 hearts or Baci ‘chocolates selected varieties 2 ASE Select grade beef or higher club pack 176148 L à striploin steak Ib cut from Canada AA or USDA 7L lean ground beef largejripe or organic'avocado product GfMexicoglt69 ea., ‘Sweetest Batch déc léttuce 1.69 ea., Driscoll's strawberries ‘asparagus off green zucchini or eggplant EE covered product of U.S.A. or Dforoduct of + 9, 1.69 lb 3.73/kg, product of D strawberries 26.43/8 Mexico, no. 1 grade no grade U.S.A. or Mexico product of U.S.A 6.5948 are Ÿ RAW_ LENS Ê EE ques, p same 2? CT S , > 15 MONTE . te er. = Les a à À Ée Es ê large white Pinty's chicken wings, 9" Zipperback® Ib Fortinos fresh sausage Ib PC® chicken wings chunks or fillets Or selected varieties tips removed selected varieties, frozen 31-40 per Ib, frozen .80KE 2.90% 750.790 8 400% FORT 1 CI

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