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Circulaire actuelle FreshCo - Valable à partir du 06.06 au 12.06 - Page n° 4

Circulaire FreshCo 06.06.2024 - 12.06.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

> as —s à > re Becel AU TK | : 1% Natrel Fine-Filtered Skim, 1% or 2% Sealtest Chocolate Milk 2 L Becel Bricks 454 g re eo Briques LE = = PHILADELPHIA a ORIGINAL 20R nn SAVE $12° Astro Original SAVE S1 SAVE*2 pal Yogourt 12 pk 2ES — 99 Cream Cheese an CH 99 Buby 124055 mL 1° e FA Yogourt 6508 10x355 mL Penn Ees Eau pétilante SEL STE Orville sq Kellogg's Cheez-it SANE 2 NES3 és D Redenbacher ® 49 ne 99 Microwave 99 Kellogg's A ObCom Core Bars Mott's Clamato 8 700-820 g 10 pk 125-384 1.89 L Super Stacks Mais à éclater Selected Boisson 148-1568 Varieties : ï : pr TER Reduced Sat ble value, IT ÉMELTI il Scene+ CLCTOU CO with Scene+ with Scene+ gi Card _, Card tu | without 1 72 O9: Card nn. * Coca-Cola or Pepsi Soft Drinks Scotties . 12x355ml Selected Varieties i Facial Tissue 9 pk Boissons gazeuses Mouchoirs LUH3 HRISPIES ES £ Pasta Sauce mes 218-650 mL CL Sauce pour pâtes UT CN 25220 =». " \1420 LA Es3 ‘ 3° CLS 2 Cerre pee Sensitive or Total Advanced Colgate SAVES2 \ Club House La Grille s j rush Sessoning 65-248 5 or Charcoa! pK lie Spring Body Wash 99 Pine-Sol 1.41 L pee 591 mL or Soap 6 pk or Clorox Bleach 2.4 L 8 ete Softsoap Body Wash 591 mL reg 5.99 ; > BRos cucraquelne * AHonnemenss Dentifrice, brosse à dents, nettoyant pour le corps où savon Nettoyant, eau de Javel EARN REWARDS FASTER WITHUPTO appiynom atacotobontcomloompontstonter CM 7,500 BONUS SCENE+ POINTS EEE" with the Scotiabank* Scano+"" Visa Card ee

Derniéres circulaires

> as —s à > re Becel AU TK | : 1% Natrel Fine-Filtered Skim, 1% or 2% Sealtest Chocolate Milk 2 L Becel Bricks 454 g re eo Briques LE = = PHILADELPHIA a ORIGINAL 20R nn SAVE $12° Astro Original SAVE S1 SAVE*2 pal Yogourt 12 pk 2ES — 99 Cream Cheese an CH 99 Buby 124055 mL 1° e FA Yogourt 6508 10x355 mL Penn Ees Eau pétilante SEL STE Orville sq Kellogg's Cheez-it SANE 2 NES3 és D Redenbacher ® 49 ne 99 Microwave 99 Kellogg's A ObCom Core Bars Mott's Clamato 8 700-820 g 10 pk 125-384 1.89 L Super Stacks Mais à éclater Selected Boisson 148-1568 Varieties : ï : pr TER Reduced Sat ble value, IT ÉMELTI il Scene+ CLCTOU CO with Scene+ with Scene+ gi Card _, Card tu | without 1 72 O9: Card nn. * Coca-Cola or Pepsi Soft Drinks Scotties . 12x355ml Selected Varieties i Facial Tissue 9 pk Boissons gazeuses Mouchoirs LUH3 HRISPIES ES £ Pasta Sauce mes 218-650 mL CL Sauce pour pâtes UT CN 25220 =». " \1420 LA Es3 ‘ 3° CLS 2 Cerre pee Sensitive or Total Advanced Colgate SAVES2 \ Club House La Grille s j rush Sessoning 65-248 5 or Charcoa! pK lie Spring Body Wash 99 Pine-Sol 1.41 L pee 591 mL or Soap 6 pk or Clorox Bleach 2.4 L 8 ete Softsoap Body Wash 591 mL reg 5.99 ; > BRos cucraquelne * AHonnemenss Dentifrice, brosse à dents, nettoyant pour le corps où savon Nettoyant, eau de Javel EARN REWARDS FASTER WITHUPTO appiynom atacotobontcomloompontstonter CM 7,500 BONUS SCENE+ POINTS EEE" with the Scotiabank* Scano+"" Visa Card ee

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