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Circulaire actuelle London Drugs - Valable à partir du 16.09 au 21.09 - Page n° 2

Circulaire London Drugs 16.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

Today by London Drugs Freezer Bags Medium, 405; Medium Slider, 30s or Large, 305 3% 17 Gain Hlings&2s Gain Liquid 4551 Kids Scaver Hunt Game 2° London Drugs Paper Lawn & Spadk 9° Green Life Bose Kitchen Waste Bag30s 2800 Ükocat Clumping Wood Litte: + Eco-friendiy cat litter made with pt fibres that naturally absorbliquids and trap odours « 4.5kg Meow Mix 12 Cup Variety Pack 5369 4” 10? 112 RitualDisinecting Suiffer Coths or Swiffer Heavy Duty Wipes Duster Refills6s-32 Cloths 125-205 2 oilet Bowl Cleaner -Èa 3 4 © Fami Guard 2 gerer sh Up Spray Rerosal get ÉA Cleaner 46m == 2° Li Palmolive Anti-Bacterial pe Oil Soap Orange 828mi or ue inal Wood Bou EP Sie Tone Ultra Strength 4=6 rols, 2=5 rolls or 2=6 ro Delage ons EN sn Garmin Bathroom sue lens Select products Pg2 Prices effective Friday, September 16- Wednesday, September 21, 2022 / Coupor ble). SOME ITEMS NOT T Stép02_posindd 1

Derniéres circulaires

Today by London Drugs Freezer Bags Medium, 405; Medium Slider, 30s or Large, 305 3% 17 Gain Hlings&2s Gain Liquid 4551 Kids Scaver Hunt Game 2° London Drugs Paper Lawn & Spadk 9° Green Life Bose Kitchen Waste Bag30s 2800 Ükocat Clumping Wood Litte: + Eco-friendiy cat litter made with pt fibres that naturally absorbliquids and trap odours « 4.5kg Meow Mix 12 Cup Variety Pack 5369 4” 10? 112 RitualDisinecting Suiffer Coths or Swiffer Heavy Duty Wipes Duster Refills6s-32 Cloths 125-205 2 oilet Bowl Cleaner -Èa 3 4 © Fami Guard 2 gerer sh Up Spray Rerosal get ÉA Cleaner 46m == 2° Li Palmolive Anti-Bacterial pe Oil Soap Orange 828mi or ue inal Wood Bou EP Sie Tone Ultra Strength 4=6 rols, 2=5 rolls or 2=6 ro Delage ons EN sn Garmin Bathroom sue lens Select products Pg2 Prices effective Friday, September 16- Wednesday, September 21, 2022 / Coupor ble). SOME ITEMS NOT T Stép02_posindd 1

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