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Circulaire actuelle Longo's - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 19.02 - Page n° 15

Circulaire Longo's 13.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

“No purchase necessary. Contest is open 0 only legal residens of Ontario over ie age of majriy who are registered Thank You Rewards Members. There is ONE (1) prize available 1 be wn. Members wil receive ONE (1 entry automatically with the purchase of TWO (2) partipating products and by scanning your Thank You Rewards card between February 13% and February 26*, 2025. Odds of winning are dependent on 1he number of entres received. See in-stor for full contest rules and regulctions. a —— suave MAP 47 14 | SANS | || ere Maple Leaf Prime Raised Without Maple Leaf Prime Raised Without Maple Leaf Prime Raised 62 Antibiotics Split Chicken Wings 99 Antibiotics Boneless, Skinless 99 Without Antibiotics Thin Sliced /LB /LB 1541kg Chicken Breasts JLB Chicken Bronstor Filets 2423/kg 2864/kg Maple Leaf Prime re Maple Leaf Prime Raised Raised Without Antibiotics Without Antibiotics Chicken = Ground Chicken RASED Drumsticks or Bone-in Thighs 454gpkg AMONT TL00/kg = 7 ta 7 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13° TO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19°, 2025.

“No purchase necessary. Contest is open 0 only legal residens of Ontario over ie age of majriy who are registered Thank You Rewards Members. There is ONE (1) prize available 1 be wn. Members wil receive ONE (1 entry automatically with the purchase of TWO (2) partipating products and by scanning your Thank You Rewards card between February 13% and February 26*, 2025. Odds of winning are dependent on 1he number of entres received. See in-stor for full contest rules and regulctions. a —— suave MAP 47 14 | SANS | || ere Maple Leaf Prime Raised Without Maple Leaf Prime Raised Without Maple Leaf Prime Raised 62 Antibiotics Split Chicken Wings 99 Antibiotics Boneless, Skinless 99 Without Antibiotics Thin Sliced /LB /LB 1541kg Chicken Breasts JLB Chicken Bronstor Filets 2423/kg 2864/kg Maple Leaf Prime re Maple Leaf Prime Raised Raised Without Antibiotics Without Antibiotics Chicken = Ground Chicken RASED Drumsticks or Bone-in Thighs 454gpkg AMONT TL00/kg = 7 ta 7 PRICES ON THIS PAGE EFFECTIVE FROM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 13° TO WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19°, 2025.

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