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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 27.06 au 03.07 - Page n° 9

Circulaire M&M Food Market 27.06.2024 - 03.07.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Squares 850 g SAVE 3 Cheesecake 600 g 127 save #2 Portuguese Style Custard Tarts Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches "AI Siscomntad prices 6€ products within ia Byec are exclusive to mambars 6€ ne MEM Food Market Romans program. Simply prasant yovr mombership card or sign up for a frae membersip in stora er online, t take advantnge of Liese axclusive offers, Preducts and prices may vary y regios. Limits ocresxictions may apely. Prodacts méy not be éxacliy #3 sham, Special gricing ss prorotions are not valid st MAM Feod Market Exgréss sad etar non-tradititaal stores, 38 Day offer alimaed rangs sf produets, Some ilustratinss in this Byer do not aacaeserihy repeséek ibarms on 22% and arè for design only. Wé réséevea tha right lo carract amy errors. Commereis resale of our products is prohibited. Trade-marks, service marks and loges displayed in this tyec are trade-ssarks of Méilé Mest Shops Lie. and others Any daplisaticn {inchading posting oeline} mithoet the veritien consent oi MAM Meat Sheps Ltd. is prohbited. 2024 MEM Mezt Shops Lid. “Trosemark of Celiac Canada. Used unüer license.

Squares 850 g SAVE 3 Cheesecake 600 g 127 save #2 Portuguese Style Custard Tarts Ice Cream Cookie Sandwiches "AI Siscomntad prices 6€ products within ia Byec are exclusive to mambars 6€ ne MEM Food Market Romans program. Simply prasant yovr mombership card or sign up for a frae membersip in stora er online, t take advantnge of Liese axclusive offers, Preducts and prices may vary y regios. Limits ocresxictions may apely. Prodacts méy not be éxacliy #3 sham, Special gricing ss prorotions are not valid st MAM Feod Market Exgréss sad etar non-tradititaal stores, 38 Day offer alimaed rangs sf produets, Some ilustratinss in this Byer do not aacaeserihy repeséek ibarms on 22% and arè for design only. Wé réséevea tha right lo carract amy errors. Commereis resale of our products is prohibited. Trade-marks, service marks and loges displayed in this tyec are trade-ssarks of Méilé Mest Shops Lie. and others Any daplisaticn {inchading posting oeline} mithoet the veritien consent oi MAM Meat Sheps Ltd. is prohbited. 2024 MEM Mezt Shops Lid. “Trosemark of Celiac Canada. Used unüer license.

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