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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Pâques - Valable à partir du 28.03 au 03.04 - Page n° 10

Circulaire M&M Food Market 28.03.2024 - 03.04.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

A2 MAKE EASTER SWEETER 870 g | WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cake AUTRE 12 SLICES | 1 kg | Cheesecake Variety Pack Chocolate Cheesecake Variety Pack l'A discourted prices of pro@ucts eitnin Ines fyer æe exciusive 10 members of tre MEM Fo06 Market Rewarés program. Smpty present your menbershig Care E1 er sqn up ler à res membershio ie sioce or online, to take atvantage of These exchssive offers. Products and prices ay vary by region. Liemits 06 restrictions mary aopy. Products may not be exactiy as Shorwn. Spécial pricing and promotions &re not vabd at EM Food Market Express ad other nos-Wadtonni stores. &s (hey BEST {etfec a limited range of penducts, Some Mustrations ie this fre ds mot necessary répresent Bems on sale md are fer deriga only. We reserve the right lo correct d MANAGED any ecrors, Commercial resais of œur products is prchibited. Trade-marks. service marks and gas displayed in tbss Myer are trade-marks ef MM Most Shops Ltd COMPANIES and others Any duphcation (ncdng posting onine) without he mrêtes consent cf MM Maat Shogs LIE 15 prohbhed ©2024 MEM Mani Shops Las ed ONE-QCEN

Derniéres circulaires

A2 MAKE EASTER SWEETER 870 g | WHILE QUANTITIES LAST Double Chocolate Fudge Brownie Cake AUTRE 12 SLICES | 1 kg | Cheesecake Variety Pack Chocolate Cheesecake Variety Pack l'A discourted prices of pro@ucts eitnin Ines fyer æe exciusive 10 members of tre MEM Fo06 Market Rewarés program. Smpty present your menbershig Care E1 er sqn up ler à res membershio ie sioce or online, to take atvantage of These exchssive offers. Products and prices ay vary by region. Liemits 06 restrictions mary aopy. Products may not be exactiy as Shorwn. Spécial pricing and promotions &re not vabd at EM Food Market Express ad other nos-Wadtonni stores. &s (hey BEST {etfec a limited range of penducts, Some Mustrations ie this fre ds mot necessary répresent Bems on sale md are fer deriga only. We reserve the right lo correct d MANAGED any ecrors, Commercial resais of œur products is prchibited. Trade-marks. service marks and gas displayed in tbss Myer are trade-marks ef MM Most Shops Ltd COMPANIES and others Any duphcation (ncdng posting onine) without he mrêtes consent cf MM Maat Shogs LIE 15 prohbhed ©2024 MEM Mani Shops Las ed ONE-QCEN

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