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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Noël - Valable à partir du 24.11 au 30.11 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

HEALTH & BEAUTY | HOLIDAY INSIDERS REAL CANADIAN SUPERSTORE LOAD TO GET: We’Il pay the tax on Home, Electronics, " 0 F 1 pe Toys, Baby, Health & for every $100 spent Beauty, Cosmetics, on Home, Electronics, Joe Fresh” Apparel Toys, Baby, Cosmetics, and Pharmacy Health & Beauty, Joe Fresh" stades prescription drugs Appare and Pharmacy optical and Marketplace) “See back page for details prescription drugs and optical lean ground beef PC* cranberry vanilla, candy cane ice cream 1.5 L fresh, 1.0 kg tray or candy cane mini bars 6's selected vareties, frozen Farmer's Market” white $ or Russet potatoes UuMn2 product of Canack 99 Canada no. 1 grade, 10 D y ea + [CS $ over limit pay 3.99 ea FAX Het M 4 : , ETAT ENT Dur RANBERRY VARILLA PC Old Fashioned Style bacon 1kg = = sn | |BACON! Farmer's Market g, product of Canada, Canada no. | grade ea over limit pay 10.99 ea SPEND & GET 2,500 for every S9' spenton Casa Mendosa 7/10 inch tortilla 40:40 0: Wonder rend 570-759 or hamburger or hot dog bu D'italiano bread 675 g or hamburger or hot buns 4-8's, selected varieties bathroomtissue LIT 4 a Cashmere Coca-Cola or Canada Dry 24=48 roll or Scotties facial soft drinks 24x355 mL or tissue 12x126 sheets 1 99 Nestea iced tea 20x341 mL 49 selected vareties selected varieties ea ea over limit pay 17.99 ea over limit pay 1.99 ea De eu D € Low g CNE INTUUT ions: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277 SUPERSTORE Ath to Wednesday, November 30th, ur particular store's hours. Custom

HEALTH & BEAUTY | HOLIDAY INSIDERS REAL CANADIAN SUPERSTORE LOAD TO GET: We’Il pay the tax on Home, Electronics, " 0 F 1 pe Toys, Baby, Health & for every $100 spent Beauty, Cosmetics, on Home, Electronics, Joe Fresh” Apparel Toys, Baby, Cosmetics, and Pharmacy Health & Beauty, Joe Fresh" stades prescription drugs Appare and Pharmacy optical and Marketplace) “See back page for details prescription drugs and optical lean ground beef PC* cranberry vanilla, candy cane ice cream 1.5 L fresh, 1.0 kg tray or candy cane mini bars 6's selected vareties, frozen Farmer's Market” white $ or Russet potatoes UuMn2 product of Canack 99 Canada no. 1 grade, 10 D y ea + [CS $ over limit pay 3.99 ea FAX Het M 4 : , ETAT ENT Dur RANBERRY VARILLA PC Old Fashioned Style bacon 1kg = = sn | |BACON! Farmer's Market g, product of Canada, Canada no. | grade ea over limit pay 10.99 ea SPEND & GET 2,500 for every S9' spenton Casa Mendosa 7/10 inch tortilla 40:40 0: Wonder rend 570-759 or hamburger or hot dog bu D'italiano bread 675 g or hamburger or hot buns 4-8's, selected varieties bathroomtissue LIT 4 a Cashmere Coca-Cola or Canada Dry 24=48 roll or Scotties facial soft drinks 24x355 mL or tissue 12x126 sheets 1 99 Nestea iced tea 20x341 mL 49 selected vareties selected varieties ea ea over limit pay 17.99 ea over limit pay 1.99 ea De eu D € Low g CNE INTUUT ions: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277 SUPERSTORE Ath to Wednesday, November 30th, ur particular store's hours. Custom

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