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Circulaire actuelle Réno-Dépôt - Valable à partir du 09.02 au 15.02 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Réno-Dépôt 09.02.2023 - 15.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

RENO//DEPOT SAVINGS ee ad RENODEPOT.COM eI Pere esas Ld De aCe wos 427 51% cemeeor — as 6499 on 946-ml, 3.78-L and 18.9-L cans of SICO Evolution interior paint VALUE VALUE t VALUE : ne was 199 was 207 wens S299 37.99 one ae a | Sold 1.8 ng be . Soet 44.38 Cashmere beige granite 7) tae eferamation, fe “ vas 349 3 on TRUSTONE natural Coeootain stone splitface tiles Irae 278000. DOME sa 15%) eh em Ud ons $099 $674 SMAXAYUA" FREESTANDING earn fag OVE + > BS tists Ses ermere aa ' wil) aT matt} Se sear oa VALUE VALUE TROMICALS iN 5° POT wens 247 5.49 wens $199 $149 SEED STARTING 28° SQUARE POTTING Mx PROPANE GAS FIRE TABLE MOONSTONE, ONYX, TOPAZ: CORAL! ET RUBY STYLES W Raadptosmstal cabinets fo a gach matalaton Scht cage does and dramers om each cadet © Made in Canada ne ‘Apr §, 2023. 2Coral, Raby and Topar a Credit Available eeu a ee Ce eu aE ai 8 Poy Cune PROFILE™ 24cu rr $1995) = REFRIGERATOR r Pa Oe ad bieopactite rt ‘ $2295’ phe Det rt 4.2 CU. FY, RANGE . , REMOVAL OF YOUR y OLD APPLIANCES ON SELECT MAJOR APPLIANCES mais eiskechonainal

Derniéres circulaires

RENO//DEPOT SAVINGS ee ad RENODEPOT.COM eI Pere esas Ld De aCe wos 427 51% cemeeor — as 6499 on 946-ml, 3.78-L and 18.9-L cans of SICO Evolution interior paint VALUE VALUE t VALUE : ne was 199 was 207 wens S299 37.99 one ae a | Sold 1.8 ng be . Soet 44.38 Cashmere beige granite 7) tae eferamation, fe “ vas 349 3 on TRUSTONE natural Coeootain stone splitface tiles Irae 278000. DOME sa 15%) eh em Ud ons $099 $674 SMAXAYUA" FREESTANDING earn fag OVE + > BS tists Ses ermere aa ' wil) aT matt} Se sear oa VALUE VALUE TROMICALS iN 5° POT wens 247 5.49 wens $199 $149 SEED STARTING 28° SQUARE POTTING Mx PROPANE GAS FIRE TABLE MOONSTONE, ONYX, TOPAZ: CORAL! ET RUBY STYLES W Raadptosmstal cabinets fo a gach matalaton Scht cage does and dramers om each cadet © Made in Canada ne ‘Apr §, 2023. 2Coral, Raby and Topar a Credit Available eeu a ee Ce eu aE ai 8 Poy Cune PROFILE™ 24cu rr $1995) = REFRIGERATOR r Pa Oe ad bieopactite rt ‘ $2295’ phe Det rt 4.2 CU. FY, RANGE . , REMOVAL OF YOUR y OLD APPLIANCES ON SELECT MAJOR APPLIANCES mais eiskechonainal

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