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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Valable à partir du 05.01 au 11.01 - Page n° 19

Circulaire Sobeys 05.01.2023 - 11.01.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Mmmm tomatoes! Great flavours start here Exclusive to Sobeys Hüros Cherry Tomatoes Ed or Tomatoes on the Vine Grape Tomato Medley Vine-ripened to guarantee freshness, Hiiros have a rich umami flavour An array of colours and subtly complemented by a sweetness that adds depth and complexity. different flavours - red being k the sweetest and yellow, À] the tartest. ? counterparts, but Le ñ * Le sans pesticidet. { Y ju N “ : x Brown Cocktail Tomatoes & Organic Grape Rich, juicy and sweeter than de Tomatoes your typical tomato - but a E Just like their regular completely different look! 4 Orange or Ombré Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine Sold with their stem attached, these sweet tomatoes make a statement when roasted with the stem still on. Grape Tomatoes Firm and erunchy with à classic sweet-acidic Orange Grape Tomatoes The sweet-tart taste you know and love in one tomato taste. sunnÿ orange bite!

Derniéres circulaires

Mmmm tomatoes! Great flavours start here Exclusive to Sobeys Hüros Cherry Tomatoes Ed or Tomatoes on the Vine Grape Tomato Medley Vine-ripened to guarantee freshness, Hiiros have a rich umami flavour An array of colours and subtly complemented by a sweetness that adds depth and complexity. different flavours - red being k the sweetest and yellow, À] the tartest. ? counterparts, but Le ñ * Le sans pesticidet. { Y ju N “ : x Brown Cocktail Tomatoes & Organic Grape Rich, juicy and sweeter than de Tomatoes your typical tomato - but a E Just like their regular completely different look! 4 Orange or Ombré Cherry Tomatoes on the Vine Sold with their stem attached, these sweet tomatoes make a statement when roasted with the stem still on. Grape Tomatoes Firm and erunchy with à classic sweet-acidic Orange Grape Tomatoes The sweet-tart taste you know and love in one tomato taste. sunnÿ orange bite!

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