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Circulaire actuelle Sobeys - Nouvel An - Valable à partir du 29.12 au 04.01 - Page n° 4

Circulaire Sobeys 29.12.2022 - 04.01.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

LAN NUGGETS CHICKEN STRIPS MAPLE LEAF Prime Breaded MISTO ITALIANO product of Raly 200 g 2/22° Prepared Fresh Daily In-Store # Fruit or Vegetable Celebration Trays 950 g-1.3 kg _É CRACKER EYNATTR SMARTFOOD Popcorn 150-220 g or TOSTITOS Tortilla Chips 205-300 g 2/$6 : LECLERC 2f $ Celebration Cookies 240-350 g 1°° KRAFT Dips 227 g NESCAFÉ or TASTER'S CHOICE Instant Coffee 100-170 g or COMPLIMENTS Hot Chocolate 500 g BLACK DIAMOND 9° 588g Cheestrings 28 pk 4°° GENERAL MILLS Cheerios or Selected SONT En | 107 sonia 300-430 g Pudding or Gels 4 pk TES COPIE E à 99 TIDE Laundry 272 L, Pods 32-42 pk, Power Pods 25 pk, GAIN Laundry 4.55 L, Flings 42 pk, DOWNY Softener 3.83 L, GAIN or DOWNY Beads 570 g PROUDLY CANADIAN Chicken Strips, Nuggets, ep or Stuffed Chicken JOHNSONVILLE Dinner or tes 560-581 g Breakfast Pork Sausages selected varieties 250-500 g BUON APPETITO product of Italy 400 8 . 6 49 … CRACKER BARREL Cheese 400 g or Shreds 250-320 g S . 027 $ 7 6-8phor DEMPSTERS Jumbo Wild Southern King Crab cooked, frazen or previously frozen product of Chile subject to : availability 77.14/Rg Grab and Go Trays cookie lover bliss, dessert bars, pumpernickel and Spinach dip or patisseries 565-800 g 2/88 2 concns PEPSI or COCA-COLA Soft Drinks 6x710 mi. me Brèton DARE Breton or Vinta Crackers 200-250 g. Bear Paws 150-24 HÂAGEN-DAZS ice Cream 414-500 mL 4° 315-3608 or Novelties 3-4 pk PR em 4 Géarar eo 4 VILLAGGIO Bread 600-675 g Buns HUNGRY-MAN Entrées 360-455 g or HEALTHY CHOICE Gourmet Steamers 283-306 g 37? Tortilias 272-340 g CORP EMEA) _ SILK Beverages 9 LARABAR 174-189 L or selected 16 pk Coconut Yogur cannot mix & D 1000 C5 -510 AU" .:. 1000 SONO Sourée 4 99 YOPLAIT Source 16 pk or LIBERTÉ Greek 650-7508

Derniéres circulaires

LAN NUGGETS CHICKEN STRIPS MAPLE LEAF Prime Breaded MISTO ITALIANO product of Raly 200 g 2/22° Prepared Fresh Daily In-Store # Fruit or Vegetable Celebration Trays 950 g-1.3 kg _É CRACKER EYNATTR SMARTFOOD Popcorn 150-220 g or TOSTITOS Tortilla Chips 205-300 g 2/$6 : LECLERC 2f $ Celebration Cookies 240-350 g 1°° KRAFT Dips 227 g NESCAFÉ or TASTER'S CHOICE Instant Coffee 100-170 g or COMPLIMENTS Hot Chocolate 500 g BLACK DIAMOND 9° 588g Cheestrings 28 pk 4°° GENERAL MILLS Cheerios or Selected SONT En | 107 sonia 300-430 g Pudding or Gels 4 pk TES COPIE E à 99 TIDE Laundry 272 L, Pods 32-42 pk, Power Pods 25 pk, GAIN Laundry 4.55 L, Flings 42 pk, DOWNY Softener 3.83 L, GAIN or DOWNY Beads 570 g PROUDLY CANADIAN Chicken Strips, Nuggets, ep or Stuffed Chicken JOHNSONVILLE Dinner or tes 560-581 g Breakfast Pork Sausages selected varieties 250-500 g BUON APPETITO product of Italy 400 8 . 6 49 … CRACKER BARREL Cheese 400 g or Shreds 250-320 g S . 027 $ 7 6-8phor DEMPSTERS Jumbo Wild Southern King Crab cooked, frazen or previously frozen product of Chile subject to : availability 77.14/Rg Grab and Go Trays cookie lover bliss, dessert bars, pumpernickel and Spinach dip or patisseries 565-800 g 2/88 2 concns PEPSI or COCA-COLA Soft Drinks 6x710 mi. me Brèton DARE Breton or Vinta Crackers 200-250 g. Bear Paws 150-24 HÂAGEN-DAZS ice Cream 414-500 mL 4° 315-3608 or Novelties 3-4 pk PR em 4 Géarar eo 4 VILLAGGIO Bread 600-675 g Buns HUNGRY-MAN Entrées 360-455 g or HEALTHY CHOICE Gourmet Steamers 283-306 g 37? Tortilias 272-340 g CORP EMEA) _ SILK Beverages 9 LARABAR 174-189 L or selected 16 pk Coconut Yogur cannot mix & D 1000 C5 -510 AU" .:. 1000 SONO Sourée 4 99 YOPLAIT Source 16 pk or LIBERTÉ Greek 650-7508

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