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Circulaire actuelle Tepperman's - Black Friday - Valable à partir du 18.11 au 24.11 - Page n° 3

Circulaire Tepperman's 18.11.2022 - 24.11.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

TEPPERMAN'S LIU FRIDAY IONNOMWL NOVEMBER 18-24 OF Reguiar Price lRPP). Elus ciscounted Power Price and Outlet products Detallson page 10. UP TO OFF select mattresses BAILEY KATE “Off Regular Price l'RP/P]. Details on page 10. COLLECTION DPROLSTERED Te) Martress not included - UP TO OFF uureo clearance sofas tovesear snes-car 5958 À 1 128 OH Roguir Pe RAP Deals en page BRYMONT NELLING TV STAND 5-PIECE UP TO Amir OFF clearance dining rooms UMITED NOW EE - ss sera UP TO DR HARD QUEEN, 2e HARBOR VIEW FULEORTWIN 0 DESK d MATTRESS Assembh quid Fa cs clearance hui "Of Regular Price lRPP) Details on page 10. | k UP TO |, non % Su "300 rncharess so PE O 4K ULTRA HD 4K SMART OFF MDAA SMÉRTTY UHDTV clearance bookcases, desks, es as tables, fireplaces _ Of qua Pic RP Detais on page 10 UP TO HOTPRICE 2 Le select appliance . BUY MORE, DOUBLE BONUS Off Regular Price l'RPP). Details on page 10. SAVE EVEN MORE Sas SAVE AN DXTRA 00°: ES Saone for UPTO 2. - : de a ns EL: d: ‘ 74 CUFT. SMART = SAT ouce ÊEnRe STAINLESSSTEEL clearance éd DISHWASIER of Regular Pc RP Deaisonpage 10 0% INTEREST, DON'T PAY FOR 3 YEARS” NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS OA: Taxes due at time of purchase. Purchase price, administration fee and delivery charges, where applicable, due 3 years from the date of delivery orare DEEE EEE EE ATEN

Derniéres circulaires

TEPPERMAN'S LIU FRIDAY IONNOMWL NOVEMBER 18-24 OF Reguiar Price lRPP). Elus ciscounted Power Price and Outlet products Detallson page 10. UP TO OFF select mattresses BAILEY KATE “Off Regular Price l'RP/P]. Details on page 10. COLLECTION DPROLSTERED Te) Martress not included - UP TO OFF uureo clearance sofas tovesear snes-car 5958 À 1 128 OH Roguir Pe RAP Deals en page BRYMONT NELLING TV STAND 5-PIECE UP TO Amir OFF clearance dining rooms UMITED NOW EE - ss sera UP TO DR HARD QUEEN, 2e HARBOR VIEW FULEORTWIN 0 DESK d MATTRESS Assembh quid Fa cs clearance hui "Of Regular Price lRPP) Details on page 10. | k UP TO |, non % Su "300 rncharess so PE O 4K ULTRA HD 4K SMART OFF MDAA SMÉRTTY UHDTV clearance bookcases, desks, es as tables, fireplaces _ Of qua Pic RP Detais on page 10 UP TO HOTPRICE 2 Le select appliance . BUY MORE, DOUBLE BONUS Off Regular Price l'RPP). Details on page 10. SAVE EVEN MORE Sas SAVE AN DXTRA 00°: ES Saone for UPTO 2. - : de a ns EL: d: ‘ 74 CUFT. SMART = SAT ouce ÊEnRe STAINLESSSTEEL clearance éd DISHWASIER of Regular Pc RP Deaisonpage 10 0% INTEREST, DON'T PAY FOR 3 YEARS” NO MONTHLY PAYMENTS OA: Taxes due at time of purchase. Purchase price, administration fee and delivery charges, where applicable, due 3 years from the date of delivery orare DEEE EEE EE ATEN

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