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Circulaire actuelle Tepperman's - Valable à partir du 31.01 au 06.02 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Tepperman's 31.01.2025 - 06.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

KitchenAid _—. SAVINGS EVENT SAVE SAVE S1200 800 ‘600 ExraonSPs Expaoné-Pcs Extaon3-Ps FRIGIDAIRE. ME cu E SAVE SAVE SAVE 300 s100 $300 s100 +360 150 on FPCS Emraon 2 PCs SAVE SAVE S350! $150 Extraon PCs Eutraon 2PCs Pme Buy MORE. Save MORE. SAVE SAVE S300! S100 Extra on PCs Extra on2-Pcs Buy MORE. Save MORE. Buit-in Dishuasher ONLY 20CuFt French 30" Electric 19 CuFt Bottom 53CuFt Convection eg Dig og" Dog A00 gs Refrigeration Destination... Choose Your Brand, Size, Style and Finish... There's More In Store and Online. 1 (#) \ ri _—. 249 curt, French Door Side-by-Side Fric Fridge etat ic 28CuFt. 20 curt French French Door Fridge Door À Fridge onLv ony Be oNLY “699 Mec 0e Bree °2299 + 6.3 Cu. Ft. Wifi Front Control pl Enabled Electric Induction BONUS: du] SA Preaid CET BONUS ° 55200) | VISA Prepaid Card EE Woo! M to D 300 Series Come city Built-in Fridge or Baiher Dishwasher Fos L FRIGIDAIRE ” $899 $9gg 599 À Fer $899 BONUS ÆDELIVERY | SAVE25100 | BONUS ÆDELIVERY TX ne TR ee ee quai 2pe ele ie apple Le Sens en MAYAG) BONUS GIFT on CN De ue Et 51 Cut. Front Load Washer 52 CuFt Front Load Washer 8.0 CuFt.Electrie Dryer 7h CuFt Front Load Dryer A $200 for gas der. 57Curt PASS Alin-One Washer 5.2 CUFL Was! Dryer Combo TAGS tee pryer ‘The Frame 4K QLED 120HZ 65" ONLY BRAVIA XR Full Array ZS*ONLY 0 4K Crystal UHD LED HDR 5 8 Array Smart TV {ne LEDACHDR Gogle TV $1898 An) PUR Color Smar TV 12OHZ gritve Processor XR 1 ue des and more Elerate Your AUDIO RE Speakers, Soundbars and More. SONY SAMSUNG SAMSUNG as e e S e 21 Channel Sound Bar with Music Frame Wireless Speaker 312 Channel Dolby Atmos DTSX Foueruisubmmoler 92998 With Dolby Amos $398 Sound Bar WrlesSuD $498 se 360W a QSymphony, prive Sound PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE Lowest Pie for 30 Days with our We'll match a competitors lower price or refund you the difference. Detais on page 6.

KitchenAid _—. SAVINGS EVENT SAVE SAVE S1200 800 ‘600 ExraonSPs Expaoné-Pcs Extaon3-Ps FRIGIDAIRE. ME cu E SAVE SAVE SAVE 300 s100 $300 s100 +360 150 on FPCS Emraon 2 PCs SAVE SAVE S350! $150 Extraon PCs Eutraon 2PCs Pme Buy MORE. Save MORE. SAVE SAVE S300! S100 Extra on PCs Extra on2-Pcs Buy MORE. Save MORE. Buit-in Dishuasher ONLY 20CuFt French 30" Electric 19 CuFt Bottom 53CuFt Convection eg Dig og" Dog A00 gs Refrigeration Destination... Choose Your Brand, Size, Style and Finish... There's More In Store and Online. 1 (#) \ ri _—. 249 curt, French Door Side-by-Side Fric Fridge etat ic 28CuFt. 20 curt French French Door Fridge Door À Fridge onLv ony Be oNLY “699 Mec 0e Bree °2299 + 6.3 Cu. Ft. Wifi Front Control pl Enabled Electric Induction BONUS: du] SA Preaid CET BONUS ° 55200) | VISA Prepaid Card EE Woo! M to D 300 Series Come city Built-in Fridge or Baiher Dishwasher Fos L FRIGIDAIRE ” $899 $9gg 599 À Fer $899 BONUS ÆDELIVERY | SAVE25100 | BONUS ÆDELIVERY TX ne TR ee ee quai 2pe ele ie apple Le Sens en MAYAG) BONUS GIFT on CN De ue Et 51 Cut. Front Load Washer 52 CuFt Front Load Washer 8.0 CuFt.Electrie Dryer 7h CuFt Front Load Dryer A $200 for gas der. 57Curt PASS Alin-One Washer 5.2 CUFL Was! Dryer Combo TAGS tee pryer ‘The Frame 4K QLED 120HZ 65" ONLY BRAVIA XR Full Array ZS*ONLY 0 4K Crystal UHD LED HDR 5 8 Array Smart TV {ne LEDACHDR Gogle TV $1898 An) PUR Color Smar TV 12OHZ gritve Processor XR 1 ue des and more Elerate Your AUDIO RE Speakers, Soundbars and More. SONY SAMSUNG SAMSUNG as e e S e 21 Channel Sound Bar with Music Frame Wireless Speaker 312 Channel Dolby Atmos DTSX Foueruisubmmoler 92998 With Dolby Amos $398 Sound Bar WrlesSuD $498 se 360W a QSymphony, prive Sound PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE Lowest Pie for 30 Days with our We'll match a competitors lower price or refund you the difference. Detais on page 6.

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