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Circulaire actuelle The Brick - Valable à partir du 14.03 au 29.03 - Page n° 16

Circulaire The Brick 14.03.2023 - 29.03.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

23 Gone #7 Buy any 2L6 Buy any 3 or more LG Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra $200 OFF _$300 OFF 1-0. ft Sraart Stainiess Steel Over-the-Rage Micromave 22-cu. IL Stainless Steel Stainiess Steel Staintess Steel 5.8-cu. ft 13-cu. ft $.2-cu. M. Front-Load 74-cu.ft French-Door Fridge True Convection Range Dishwasher Top-Load Washer Dryer Steam Washer Dryer Whirlpool Buy any 2 Maytag or Whiripooi Buy any 3 or more Maytag or Whiripool Li Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra SEE S2000FF | $3000FF Lo More, Save More! L9-cu. ft _ 1.8-cu. ft Stainiess Steel 2 Staialess Steel Over-the-Range Over-the-Range Microwave Microwave | 30 D (7 20-cu. ft. Staialess Steel Staintess Steel Stainiess Steel 20-cu. ft Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Staialess Steel Freach-Door Fridge Range Tall Tub Disherasher French-Door Friége Range her S2-cu. ft 10-c0. ft 52-cu. ft Front-Load 7.4-cu. ft. S4-cu. ft. 7.0-cu. ft. S.5-cu. ft Front-Load 7.3-cu.ft Top-Losd Washer Steam Dryer Steam Washer Uryer Top-Load Washer Steam Dryer Steam Washer Steam Dryer Buy any 3 KtchenAid Major Kitchen Buy any 4 KtchenAid Major Buy any 5 or more KitchenAid Major KitchenAid Aopliances and get an extra Kitchen Appliances and get an extra IGtchen Appliances and get an extra AE seu [Her | our ASK ABOUT | 00% VALUE BACK SIGNATURE WARRANTY O QUR Don't need to make a claim? Use 100% of the warranty value towards a future purchase. s L ” KitchenAid KitchenAid Cuisinart eureka y}; eureka Speed = Artisan Paliium “> Rapidciesn HyperCiean Had Er Freestanding Pro Stick Cordless Stick Mixer Quart Air Puriter Vacuum Vacuum _# hr Head S Stand Mixer ] à nou \ CT “Un NOW OM Now OL NO MT ms | NE 7 WF, 1995 4195 Pri 20 L ae ke Protect your Brick FlexitiCard” <y Se Re oO on Appliances payments with We will beat amy compebitors aévertised price y 20% of te difference lor 39 days. Some restrictions app, See thebrick convpriceguaraatee for details.

Derniéres circulaires

23 Gone #7 Buy any 2L6 Buy any 3 or more LG Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra $200 OFF _$300 OFF 1-0. ft Sraart Stainiess Steel Over-the-Rage Micromave 22-cu. IL Stainless Steel Stainiess Steel Staintess Steel 5.8-cu. ft 13-cu. ft $.2-cu. M. Front-Load 74-cu.ft French-Door Fridge True Convection Range Dishwasher Top-Load Washer Dryer Steam Washer Dryer Whirlpool Buy any 2 Maytag or Whiripooi Buy any 3 or more Maytag or Whiripool Li Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra Major Kitchen Appliances and get an extra SEE S2000FF | $3000FF Lo More, Save More! L9-cu. ft _ 1.8-cu. ft Stainiess Steel 2 Staialess Steel Over-the-Range Over-the-Range Microwave Microwave | 30 D (7 20-cu. ft. Staialess Steel Staintess Steel Stainiess Steel 20-cu. ft Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Staialess Steel Freach-Door Fridge Range Tall Tub Disherasher French-Door Friége Range her S2-cu. ft 10-c0. ft 52-cu. ft Front-Load 7.4-cu. ft. S4-cu. ft. 7.0-cu. ft. S.5-cu. ft Front-Load 7.3-cu.ft Top-Losd Washer Steam Dryer Steam Washer Uryer Top-Load Washer Steam Dryer Steam Washer Steam Dryer Buy any 3 KtchenAid Major Kitchen Buy any 4 KtchenAid Major Buy any 5 or more KitchenAid Major KitchenAid Aopliances and get an extra Kitchen Appliances and get an extra IGtchen Appliances and get an extra AE seu [Her | our ASK ABOUT | 00% VALUE BACK SIGNATURE WARRANTY O QUR Don't need to make a claim? Use 100% of the warranty value towards a future purchase. s L ” KitchenAid KitchenAid Cuisinart eureka y}; eureka Speed = Artisan Paliium “> Rapidciesn HyperCiean Had Er Freestanding Pro Stick Cordless Stick Mixer Quart Air Puriter Vacuum Vacuum _# hr Head S Stand Mixer ] à nou \ CT “Un NOW OM Now OL NO MT ms | NE 7 WF, 1995 4195 Pri 20 L ae ke Protect your Brick FlexitiCard” <y Se Re oO on Appliances payments with We will beat amy compebitors aévertised price y 20% of te difference lor 39 days. Some restrictions app, See thebrick convpriceguaraatee for details.

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