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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 16.01 au 22.01 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 16.01.2025 - 22.01.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

THRIFTY FOODS Eat happy 6° Raspberries Product of USA or Mexico 3409 27 | DriscoUs SAVINGS X* you SMILE 6° Sterling Silver Fresh Beef Sirloin Tip Roast or Steaks, Family Size or Roast Royale Cut by Your Meat Expert from Canada AAA Grade Beef, $15.41/kg a d$ Long English Cucumbers Product of Canada Uttra Natural Honduras Shrimp x Æ ur Fair Trade » > Ge ot Cooked or Raw LUS Product of ee x Et Frozen, 300 g RQ en Regular Retail: e à PE $14.29 Each RL $6.59/kg “Same Item of Equal or Lesser Value 99 mms 79 senc sie or ee SALT ea | KREMA 300 Olympic Salt Spring g Lu Graek or Whole Bean “ Krema Coffee Yogurt 400 q 175 kg “ D. Made in De wiout Adams BAS SR BB LS Peau Butter 500 g A or Compliments ” » Honey 375 g 33 99 RE 427 3 4> me Northern Gold Chapman's k Ve FT | Granola Premium 77 Fu Ketchup Alrin-One Vega 630 9. Ice Cream, D 7 750 ml-1L, Nutritional | | Post Retail Size Frozen Yogurt, d Kraft Shake IS re Cereal Sorbet or anus EP Miracle Whip Sojéttéd V Se Æ =, Selected No Sugar me n or Mayonnaise 827-876 = 311-525 gor Added STE 443-890 ml or " Le e Quaker Cereal 1-2L, Selected W Pure N Te 350-510 g Salad Dressing res 3 355 ml SCC LINE EXCLUSIVE WHEN YOU LOAD THIS OFFER in the Thrifty Foods app SPEND $75 OR MORE oN ont THURS, JAN 16 - WED, JAN 22, 2025 dE SOU ON PS ES bO0 or at GET

Derniéres circulaires

THRIFTY FOODS Eat happy 6° Raspberries Product of USA or Mexico 3409 27 | DriscoUs SAVINGS X* you SMILE 6° Sterling Silver Fresh Beef Sirloin Tip Roast or Steaks, Family Size or Roast Royale Cut by Your Meat Expert from Canada AAA Grade Beef, $15.41/kg a d$ Long English Cucumbers Product of Canada Uttra Natural Honduras Shrimp x Æ ur Fair Trade » > Ge ot Cooked or Raw LUS Product of ee x Et Frozen, 300 g RQ en Regular Retail: e à PE $14.29 Each RL $6.59/kg “Same Item of Equal or Lesser Value 99 mms 79 senc sie or ee SALT ea | KREMA 300 Olympic Salt Spring g Lu Graek or Whole Bean “ Krema Coffee Yogurt 400 q 175 kg “ D. Made in De wiout Adams BAS SR BB LS Peau Butter 500 g A or Compliments ” » Honey 375 g 33 99 RE 427 3 4> me Northern Gold Chapman's k Ve FT | Granola Premium 77 Fu Ketchup Alrin-One Vega 630 9. Ice Cream, D 7 750 ml-1L, Nutritional | | Post Retail Size Frozen Yogurt, d Kraft Shake IS re Cereal Sorbet or anus EP Miracle Whip Sojéttéd V Se Æ =, Selected No Sugar me n or Mayonnaise 827-876 = 311-525 gor Added STE 443-890 ml or " Le e Quaker Cereal 1-2L, Selected W Pure N Te 350-510 g Salad Dressing res 3 355 ml SCC LINE EXCLUSIVE WHEN YOU LOAD THIS OFFER in the Thrifty Foods app SPEND $75 OR MORE oN ont THURS, JAN 16 - WED, JAN 22, 2025 dE SOU ON PS ES bO0 or at GET

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