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Circulaire actuelle T&T Supermarket - Alberta - Valable à partir du 22.11 au 28.11 - Page n° 6

Circulaire T&T Supermarket 22.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

DÉCOULE ET] ANA SITE Pr KITCHEN DEnr AB st BETETE Chinese Style Bountiful StuffedTurkey (Gift Set) RES ET Ave a sa jus x ree. SE RU. (Fruit Soda Drink” (750mb. (ra5#) RAMBLAREE SE: DIX RBÉRE(750mh HE > Classic ES Combo Æ®9@ E z Combo Ease4e VE Happy Combo ERA sen fr2:3 people Servefor #6 people [ Senetorés HA23AGR BÉ4ASR MAGSAFR Cajun Styte Chicken (Whole) Peking Duck Whole + Condiment Combo Chinese Style Bountiful Stuffed Turkey + Thai Fried Rice 1 box (M) + Holiday Sushi Party Tray a + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad & + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) & + Braised Broccoli with Duo Mushrooms (M) & + Holiday Sushi Party Tr RARER (28) HÉB (2H) HÈER te a Rd s ce RERO (F) *ÉRRTRSE "or {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) : ” + BRAND /set#ä COR: ARR 1) SRCR AXE + PER AIDE ASSSNPEANTE (CP) + ÉMIS /setta + RAR (OR ACORES 1H) re Smoked Turkey Cajun Style Cajun Style Chicken Roasted Lamb Ribs Peking Duck Whole Thighs (Slice) Chicken (Whole) Wings/Chicken Legs with Cumin +Condiment Combo HARBE(ÈDE) RARÉR(RS) RARE HÉRÉSEHES HÉB(ÈÉSMÈEÉS 2b# /Ea% 2b Ab bb /Setii BBQ Combo 3 Items IEC Pot LB: So Soupe Fresh Fruit and Rottan Peppers Thai Fried Rice with tes ER Prawns Salad Holiday Sushi Party Tray Grilled Basa Fish Chicken Drumsticks =H#s S es ui N nr noie BRAMDR ÉMRSRNE RME RER /Seti 1050g /Seti£ 15809 /Seti£ 12009 /Set# 15009 /Seti£ To order combo or Whole Turkey, please order 2 days in advance. No Rain Check. Photos are for reference only. Actual products may differ in-store. EL CCE Es NES pr DONC CUS TS (CSC Ep tE TS 177 7 0

Derniéres circulaires

DÉCOULE ET] ANA SITE Pr KITCHEN DEnr AB st BETETE Chinese Style Bountiful StuffedTurkey (Gift Set) RES ET Ave a sa jus x ree. SE RU. (Fruit Soda Drink” (750mb. (ra5#) RAMBLAREE SE: DIX RBÉRE(750mh HE > Classic ES Combo Æ®9@ E z Combo Ease4e VE Happy Combo ERA sen fr2:3 people Servefor #6 people [ Senetorés HA23AGR BÉ4ASR MAGSAFR Cajun Styte Chicken (Whole) Peking Duck Whole + Condiment Combo Chinese Style Bountiful Stuffed Turkey + Thai Fried Rice 1 box (M) + Holiday Sushi Party Tray a + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad & + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) & + Braised Broccoli with Duo Mushrooms (M) & + Holiday Sushi Party Tr RARER (28) HÉB (2H) HÈER te a Rd s ce RERO (F) *ÉRRTRSE "or {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) : ” + BRAND /set#ä COR: ARR 1) SRCR AXE + PER AIDE ASSSNPEANTE (CP) + ÉMIS /setta + RAR (OR ACORES 1H) re Smoked Turkey Cajun Style Cajun Style Chicken Roasted Lamb Ribs Peking Duck Whole Thighs (Slice) Chicken (Whole) Wings/Chicken Legs with Cumin +Condiment Combo HARBE(ÈDE) RARÉR(RS) RARE HÉRÉSEHES HÉB(ÈÉSMÈEÉS 2b# /Ea% 2b Ab bb /Setii BBQ Combo 3 Items IEC Pot LB: So Soupe Fresh Fruit and Rottan Peppers Thai Fried Rice with tes ER Prawns Salad Holiday Sushi Party Tray Grilled Basa Fish Chicken Drumsticks =H#s S es ui N nr noie BRAMDR ÉMRSRNE RME RER /Seti 1050g /Seti£ 15809 /Seti£ 12009 /Set# 15009 /Seti£ To order combo or Whole Turkey, please order 2 days in advance. No Rain Check. Photos are for reference only. Actual products may differ in-store. EL CCE Es NES pr DONC CUS TS (CSC Ep tE TS 177 7 0

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