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Circulaire actuelle T&T Supermarket - Waterloo - Valable à partir du 22.11 au 28.11 - Page n° 5

Circulaire T&T Supermarket 22.11.2024 - 28.11.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Chinese Style Bountiful StuffedTurkey (Gift Set) Happy Combo BRAS Serve for 2-3 people H823À FF AMNX AE (m4) Set) Combo JERÉEAR Serve for 4-6 people SAAB DO ULUCT EE 11/15-12/26 T&T KITCHEN 5 Purchase One Whole Turkey and Get A Free Bottle of Fruit Soda Drink (750m) RARARESE RUE FTBRRA(7S0mI) HA > Serve for 6-8 people HAGEAGA Cajun Style Chicken (Whole) + Thai Fried Rice 1 box + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad RARE (2%) + RERAREUUM (RAS) + RERAEE /Seti& Smoked Turkey Cajun Style Thighs (Slice) Chicken (Whole) ÉDET TO) RARÉE (2#) /Lb# /Ea# : BBQ Combo 3 Items {BBQ Pork ALB Soy Sauce ‘Chicken Half B80 Duck Half) HRREHHES CURE: AHRE-HSE RS HAE) Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad ERA /Set#i To or EPP ET 10509 /Trayt Peking Duck Whole + Condiment Combo + Holiday Sushi Party Tray {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) HRB (29) HSER + ÉRRSREE COR: ARE 1) Cajun Style Chicken Wings/Drum Sticks RFRISRNURERE /sett& Roasted Lamb Ribs Chinese Style Bountiful Stuffed Turkey + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad + Braised Broccoli with Duo Mushrooms & + Holiday Sushi Party Tray + Swiss Rolls x 2 {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) PEAR + BRAND SPC ON RESR + BR (ON: AOBRRA 1H) Peking Duck Half with Cumin + Condiment Combo BARRES HEÈRS (KE) AÊES Ab /Set#£ Holiday Sushi Party Tray ÆMFSRNE 14509/Tray À Thaï Fried Rice with :.? Spicy Grilled Basa Fish Chicken Drumsticks ERÉMR RES BRUNE Jrayê

Derniéres circulaires

Chinese Style Bountiful StuffedTurkey (Gift Set) Happy Combo BRAS Serve for 2-3 people H823À FF AMNX AE (m4) Set) Combo JERÉEAR Serve for 4-6 people SAAB DO ULUCT EE 11/15-12/26 T&T KITCHEN 5 Purchase One Whole Turkey and Get A Free Bottle of Fruit Soda Drink (750m) RARARESE RUE FTBRRA(7S0mI) HA > Serve for 6-8 people HAGEAGA Cajun Style Chicken (Whole) + Thai Fried Rice 1 box + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad RARE (2%) + RERAREUUM (RAS) + RERAEE /Seti& Smoked Turkey Cajun Style Thighs (Slice) Chicken (Whole) ÉDET TO) RARÉE (2#) /Lb# /Ea# : BBQ Combo 3 Items {BBQ Pork ALB Soy Sauce ‘Chicken Half B80 Duck Half) HRREHHES CURE: AHRE-HSE RS HAE) Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad ERA /Set#i To or EPP ET 10509 /Trayt Peking Duck Whole + Condiment Combo + Holiday Sushi Party Tray {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) HRB (29) HSER + ÉRRSREE COR: ARE 1) Cajun Style Chicken Wings/Drum Sticks RFRISRNURERE /sett& Roasted Lamb Ribs Chinese Style Bountiful Stuffed Turkey + Fresh Fruit and Prawns Salad + Braised Broccoli with Duo Mushrooms & + Holiday Sushi Party Tray + Swiss Rolls x 2 {Fruit Soda Drink 1 Bottle for free) PEAR + BRAND SPC ON RESR + BR (ON: AOBRRA 1H) Peking Duck Half with Cumin + Condiment Combo BARRES HEÈRS (KE) AÊES Ab /Set#£ Holiday Sushi Party Tray ÆMFSRNE 14509/Tray À Thaï Fried Rice with :.? Spicy Grilled Basa Fish Chicken Drumsticks ERÉMR RES BRUNE Jrayê

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