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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Valable à partir du 22.09 au 28.09 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Fortinos 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Les produits de cette circulaire

September 22-28" . D, 4 Thick Centre Cut À Y/ NO WASTE | Se Ÿ Tail Neck & Belly Foodiland veal cutiets Ib: bottom round Dre fresh Atlantic "à or sirloin tip salmon fillet 15.41%g 28.64/kg or USDA'Select grade beef or higher À S s Vs i ÿ » de #- L LE Na Sn ” = Ÿ À nl Foodland JAsweet potatoes product of U.S.A. — 99 1b2"18/kMlarge lemons < large seedless Dee Honeycrisp apples Fe product of South Africa; .99 ea. gere Ib: product of Ontario, Ib/ea or PC® coleslaw product 9 of Ib Canada no.1 grad f U.S.A., 197 g, .99 South Af 439% anada no.1 grade = 2.18%g of 8 ea. ouf frica 11.00% raw almonds whole Italian 4 prosciutto or /{24#n \ < San Daniele /{ re © whole precise “Ras * $6954 Butterball, or Grade À ae TT ÉLEVÉ SANS BurrerBauL Sweet Jestss ice cream Cakes # ei . f Commission, meat pies I 8°: 330 4 2! varieties rozen , pce pce @ Natura]Ch Country baby spinach SE | chickentturkey, Harvest ce or spring mix cheese slices = all varieties M product of U.SIM sans, ID 99 Ed) 20% 309 JD festive 49 En DE ham 140-1708 FORT 1 CI

Derniéres circulaires

September 22-28" . D, 4 Thick Centre Cut À Y/ NO WASTE | Se Ÿ Tail Neck & Belly Foodiland veal cutiets Ib: bottom round Dre fresh Atlantic "à or sirloin tip salmon fillet 15.41%g 28.64/kg or USDA'Select grade beef or higher À S s Vs i ÿ » de #- L LE Na Sn ” = Ÿ À nl Foodland JAsweet potatoes product of U.S.A. — 99 1b2"18/kMlarge lemons < large seedless Dee Honeycrisp apples Fe product of South Africa; .99 ea. gere Ib: product of Ontario, Ib/ea or PC® coleslaw product 9 of Ib Canada no.1 grad f U.S.A., 197 g, .99 South Af 439% anada no.1 grade = 2.18%g of 8 ea. ouf frica 11.00% raw almonds whole Italian 4 prosciutto or /{24#n \ < San Daniele /{ re © whole precise “Ras * $6954 Butterball, or Grade À ae TT ÉLEVÉ SANS BurrerBauL Sweet Jestss ice cream Cakes # ei . f Commission, meat pies I 8°: 330 4 2! varieties rozen , pce pce @ Natura]Ch Country baby spinach SE | chickentturkey, Harvest ce or spring mix cheese slices = all varieties M product of U.SIM sans, ID 99 Ed) 20% 309 JD festive 49 En DE ham 140-1708 FORT 1 CI

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