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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Fête des Mères - Valable à partir du 04.05 au 10.05 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Fortinos 04.05.2023 - 10.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

_ RE 4 faveur sl À smoothies selected varieties 490 . Air Chilled à CAETTIENECUUS E > ; fresh rainbow trout fillets line V/Grain fed chicken breasts Club Pack® breast bone removed Le PC® Blue Menu® boneless skinless 39% M ribs 8.80%g [Foodand] pcs, (Organics mixed} Salad greensWa2% eMproduct broductof U.S.A. or Mexico, produet of South FR * Yof|Mexico or GHLU.SAMsweet peppers : no ‘grade, blackberries Extra Fancy grade tomatoes on the vine # 2 pack, mushrooms 227 g, Product of Mexico or Abate pears 1.69 lb, 3.734, product of Ontario or grape 49) or goldenberries T product of a. Obs product of Ontario, 4 tomatoes 255 g, product of Fo g P'odUEE Of Colombia Extra Fancy grade ae 69% Canada no. 1 grade Ontario, Canada no. 1 grade à e largelripe or organic L Er Te Boursin checSe}, = beef inside - RER LÉ all varieties! _ und 'cutlets fresh tilapia filets dé PC° double Ê cut from Canada AA Por PC® wild sockeye cream brie 1b or USDA Select grade 1b/ smoked salmon lb cut in store, beef or higher ea. 150 g, frozen by the piece 15.414g 24.238 28.64/kg 1508 s : u . î unmaus ®. HE a ST, 4 -à Po D … AY 3" F RL Pc dips Mu, e (AS x , ( fl! orhummus 8 L À; all varieties À 15 A 3 Schneiders Red'Hots: bread 675 €, +2 or Maple Leaf Top Dogs hamburger or braïded strudel wieners selected varieties hot dog buns.6/8's apple or strawberry cheese 2278 each ES 400-496 g FORT 1 CI

_ RE 4 faveur sl À smoothies selected varieties 490 . Air Chilled à CAETTIENECUUS E > ; fresh rainbow trout fillets line V/Grain fed chicken breasts Club Pack® breast bone removed Le PC® Blue Menu® boneless skinless 39% M ribs 8.80%g [Foodand] pcs, (Organics mixed} Salad greensWa2% eMproduct broductof U.S.A. or Mexico, produet of South FR * Yof|Mexico or GHLU.SAMsweet peppers : no ‘grade, blackberries Extra Fancy grade tomatoes on the vine # 2 pack, mushrooms 227 g, Product of Mexico or Abate pears 1.69 lb, 3.734, product of Ontario or grape 49) or goldenberries T product of a. Obs product of Ontario, 4 tomatoes 255 g, product of Fo g P'odUEE Of Colombia Extra Fancy grade ae 69% Canada no. 1 grade Ontario, Canada no. 1 grade à e largelripe or organic L Er Te Boursin checSe}, = beef inside - RER LÉ all varieties! _ und 'cutlets fresh tilapia filets dé PC° double Ê cut from Canada AA Por PC® wild sockeye cream brie 1b or USDA Select grade 1b/ smoked salmon lb cut in store, beef or higher ea. 150 g, frozen by the piece 15.414g 24.238 28.64/kg 1508 s : u . î unmaus ®. HE a ST, 4 -à Po D … AY 3" F RL Pc dips Mu, e (AS x , ( fl! orhummus 8 L À; all varieties À 15 A 3 Schneiders Red'Hots: bread 675 €, +2 or Maple Leaf Top Dogs hamburger or braïded strudel wieners selected varieties hot dog buns.6/8's apple or strawberry cheese 2278 each ES 400-496 g FORT 1 CI

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