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Circulaire actuelle Fortinos - Fête des Mères - Valable à partir du 04.05 au 10.05 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Fortinos 04.05.2023 - 10.05.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Häagen-Dars -æ mew Häagen-Dazs 5 414-500 mL or bars 3/4'5, À DS beans Nestlé frozen dessert 1.5 L# or chick peas or novelties 4-10's; selected varieties selected varieties, frozen 540 mL each or Smuckers jam 310-500 mL selected varieties Danone Oikos 4x95/100 # > or Activia yogurt &x100 776 es Gatorade sports drinks or iÜGO Nano drink 6193 mt selected varieties selected varieties each 24x591 mL each NS Ep s 1 LETAGLATELLE Uni US PRE 4 tomatoës 796 mL° > ] or Auroralegg; É noodles 250 g selected varieties 49 based gelato 5620 selected varieties, frozen San Pal no/x500 mL or slim cans 6x330/ 8x330 mL. selected varieties each 280/300 g each 3 — Dawn dish Gardein meat-less Kashi PC® deluxe soap 431-473 mL, entrées and sides Eee macaroni HEDDAR Palmolive 591-828 mL, 190-360 g ee ‘ & cheese ñ Clorox bleach 1.27 L, f or So Delicious Kashi GoLeanà s 200/225 g Vim cleaner 500 mL, dairy-free cereal 340-400 g & — or Campbell's Mr. Clean liquid 828 mL. dessert 500 mL or Riviera dairy-free À = or Magic Erasers 2'S selected varieties yogurt 480-650 6: selected varietieses selected varieties, frozen Quantities and/r selection of items may be limited and may not be available in al stores. No Rainchecks OR Substtutins on cearance items or where quantites are advertsed as limited. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (lavour colour, patterns, stye) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantites to reasonable Fami) requirements. le are not obligated to sel items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography Pricing. A references t “Save, Was, Non, Savings, lc. " sin comparison o our own regular prices. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. Savings shonn may be greater depending on store location. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra. No sales to retail outiets. To register as a PC Optimum'" member visit We are not obligated to award FSC points based on erors or misprnts. No cash value. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. These offers cannat be combined with any other coupons, discounts ar promotions. Receive te points specified when you spend the w= qualiffing dollar amount on te displayed product (s) and/r category. The trade-marks, sevice marks and logos displayed in his fer are trade-marks of Loblaws Inc and others. ©2023 Loblaws inc. Al rights reserved. [uen 5 (ni product is printed using vepetable-based inks FORT BACK

Derniéres circulaires

Häagen-Dars -æ mew Häagen-Dazs 5 414-500 mL or bars 3/4'5, À DS beans Nestlé frozen dessert 1.5 L# or chick peas or novelties 4-10's; selected varieties selected varieties, frozen 540 mL each or Smuckers jam 310-500 mL selected varieties Danone Oikos 4x95/100 # > or Activia yogurt &x100 776 es Gatorade sports drinks or iÜGO Nano drink 6193 mt selected varieties selected varieties each 24x591 mL each NS Ep s 1 LETAGLATELLE Uni US PRE 4 tomatoës 796 mL° > ] or Auroralegg; É noodles 250 g selected varieties 49 based gelato 5620 selected varieties, frozen San Pal no/x500 mL or slim cans 6x330/ 8x330 mL. selected varieties each 280/300 g each 3 — Dawn dish Gardein meat-less Kashi PC® deluxe soap 431-473 mL, entrées and sides Eee macaroni HEDDAR Palmolive 591-828 mL, 190-360 g ee ‘ & cheese ñ Clorox bleach 1.27 L, f or So Delicious Kashi GoLeanà s 200/225 g Vim cleaner 500 mL, dairy-free cereal 340-400 g & — or Campbell's Mr. Clean liquid 828 mL. dessert 500 mL or Riviera dairy-free À = or Magic Erasers 2'S selected varieties yogurt 480-650 6: selected varietieses selected varieties, frozen Quantities and/r selection of items may be limited and may not be available in al stores. No Rainchecks OR Substtutins on cearance items or where quantites are advertsed as limited. Advertised regular pricing and product selection (lavour colour, patterns, stye) may vary by store location. We reserve the right to limit quantites to reasonable Fami) requirements. le are not obligated to sel items based on errors or misprints in typography or photography Pricing. A references t “Save, Was, Non, Savings, lc. " sin comparison o our own regular prices. Coupons must be presented and redeemed at time of purchase. Savings shonn may be greater depending on store location. Applicable taxes, deposits, or environmental surcharges are extra. No sales to retail outiets. To register as a PC Optimum'" member visit We are not obligated to award FSC points based on erors or misprnts. No cash value. Minimum redemption 10,000 points. These offers cannat be combined with any other coupons, discounts ar promotions. Receive te points specified when you spend the w= qualiffing dollar amount on te displayed product (s) and/r category. The trade-marks, sevice marks and logos displayed in his fer are trade-marks of Loblaws Inc and others. ©2023 Loblaws inc. Al rights reserved. [uen 5 (ni product is printed using vepetable-based inks FORT BACK

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