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Circulaire actuelle M&M Food Market - Valable à partir du 18.07 au 24.07 - Page n° 8

Circulaire M&M Food Market 18.07.2024 - 24.07.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cheesecake Key Lime Pie Homestyle Apple Pie ‘A Gscoumted grises of produets with This Myec are exclusive to members of Me M&M Fo00 Market Rawards program, Simpy présant your mambershp card or sign up fee à free merbershp in store ve calise, to taka sdvantape o€ ess exchsve offers, Products end prices may vary by region. Limits or restrictions may apoly. Produets may mot be exactly ss show Special geicing an prometions are not valid al MM Fecd Market Exgréss sd etbar noa-traditional stores, #8 they offer a fmited rangé of preducts. Same illastrations in this Myer do mot macesssrily represent ibams ên sale and are for design enr, We reserve the right 0 cérract any errors. Commercial resale of eur products is prehibéed. Trade-maks, service marks and togcs displayed in this fiyer are trade-marks of MAM Meat Shape Lie ÿ PELAGED and others, Any deplication (incluing posting online) without Ee writtes consent of MSM Meat Shops Lid. is prohiibed. ©2026 MEM Met Shops Ltd. S COMPANIES “Trademerk ot Celine Canada. Used enter license. Peer mem ACC

Derniéres circulaires

Chocolate Caramel Pecan Cheesecake Key Lime Pie Homestyle Apple Pie ‘A Gscoumted grises of produets with This Myec are exclusive to members of Me M&M Fo00 Market Rawards program, Simpy présant your mambershp card or sign up fee à free merbershp in store ve calise, to taka sdvantape o€ ess exchsve offers, Products end prices may vary by region. Limits or restrictions may apoly. Produets may mot be exactly ss show Special geicing an prometions are not valid al MM Fecd Market Exgréss sd etbar noa-traditional stores, #8 they offer a fmited rangé of preducts. Same illastrations in this Myer do mot macesssrily represent ibams ên sale and are for design enr, We reserve the right 0 cérract any errors. Commercial resale of eur products is prehibéed. Trade-maks, service marks and togcs displayed in this fiyer are trade-marks of MAM Meat Shape Lie ÿ PELAGED and others, Any deplication (incluing posting online) without Ee writtes consent of MSM Meat Shops Lid. is prohiibed. ©2026 MEM Met Shops Ltd. S COMPANIES “Trademerk ot Celine Canada. Used enter license. Peer mem ACC

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