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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 13.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Peavey Mart 13.12.2024 - 18.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 20% Hickory Farms Gift Sets Assored options aveiloble. Reg. 11.99-39.99 NE HICKORY FARMS 99 Claxton's Fruit Cake 11b Available in light or dark. 3013516-17 Selection moy vory. Lime lo exing iwentery. No rain check ER O SL Enont No roi cac Se Re Die eo Ps neo nero SAVE 30% à BUY 1 GET 1 50% OFF* SAVE 30% 1 à *OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE à , ” ni Socks Fer «AS ScREAMIN'DEALS/ CAVE 50% Assorted brands, ses, szes 8 colours ‘availeble for men, women & youth. Reg. 8.99-32.99 til gecion moy sen oppor 1 regular priced tem onb. prions available Reg. 5.99-69.99 Solecion moy vory Emied lo oaing inventory. Ne Discount applis to regular price eme on. Ne rain chedls priced ms on, SAVE 60% SAVE 40% 47° Fn. 65°? © 6 Ton Jack Stands Rust & Corrosion Protection Lubricant 3.79L Superior lubricant. Can be used on farm Double lock pawd 8 Hooih design. SelFlocking raichet. Large sadele &unitized frame equipment & other construction. types ofvehides. Reg. 119.99 Reg. 109.99 So 1701 13402 Assoried brands, ses, sizes & colours available for men, women & youth Selon moy von Lim ping inventer oui apple 1 Fegulr Lu Feng 26%: SEE PAGE 11 HOTTE UT on select pet products © Chrisimas for YOUr pefsl UT AL ONE EAUX NN DECEMBER 6-19, 20 SAVE 30% SAVE 30% Holiday Gift Wrap, Indoor & Outdoor Lights Bows À Bags ‘Assoried brends & oplions available Assoried brands/sizes Reg 479:16429 & options available. Reg. 0.99-11.99 À 5 Selection may var: Emied io og inventory No rain check med lo exaing “Discount opplies o rc priced eme on, entory. No rain check 164 == 149 77 Turtle Run = Dual Chamber 311g = Feeder with Ar rar Suet Cages gvailoble À Clear hopper Reg. 329 LT 3572771-73 Reg. 29.99 3533942 SAVE 40% E Heated Pet Mats with Cover Es Available in 3 sizes. Removcble TUE [° SAVE $50 139 6 Gallon Pancake Air Compressor Operates at up to 150ps. Dual quick couplers. Universal motor for fleece cover. Automaïicaly regulates to your pels body temperature. Reg. 169.99-189.99 296823, 28, 43 volige stat & cold weather start Reg. 189.99 3568573

Derniéres circulaires

SAVE 20% Hickory Farms Gift Sets Assored options aveiloble. Reg. 11.99-39.99 NE HICKORY FARMS 99 Claxton's Fruit Cake 11b Available in light or dark. 3013516-17 Selection moy vory. Lime lo exing iwentery. No rain check ER O SL Enont No roi cac Se Re Die eo Ps neo nero SAVE 30% à BUY 1 GET 1 50% OFF* SAVE 30% 1 à *OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE à , ” ni Socks Fer «AS ScREAMIN'DEALS/ CAVE 50% Assorted brands, ses, szes 8 colours ‘availeble for men, women & youth. Reg. 8.99-32.99 til gecion moy sen oppor 1 regular priced tem onb. prions available Reg. 5.99-69.99 Solecion moy vory Emied lo oaing inventory. Ne Discount applis to regular price eme on. Ne rain chedls priced ms on, SAVE 60% SAVE 40% 47° Fn. 65°? © 6 Ton Jack Stands Rust & Corrosion Protection Lubricant 3.79L Superior lubricant. Can be used on farm Double lock pawd 8 Hooih design. SelFlocking raichet. Large sadele &unitized frame equipment & other construction. types ofvehides. Reg. 119.99 Reg. 109.99 So 1701 13402 Assoried brands, ses, sizes & colours available for men, women & youth Selon moy von Lim ping inventer oui apple 1 Fegulr Lu Feng 26%: SEE PAGE 11 HOTTE UT on select pet products © Chrisimas for YOUr pefsl UT AL ONE EAUX NN DECEMBER 6-19, 20 SAVE 30% SAVE 30% Holiday Gift Wrap, Indoor & Outdoor Lights Bows À Bags ‘Assoried brends & oplions available Assoried brands/sizes Reg 479:16429 & options available. Reg. 0.99-11.99 À 5 Selection may var: Emied io og inventory No rain check med lo exaing “Discount opplies o rc priced eme on, entory. No rain check 164 == 149 77 Turtle Run = Dual Chamber 311g = Feeder with Ar rar Suet Cages gvailoble À Clear hopper Reg. 329 LT 3572771-73 Reg. 29.99 3533942 SAVE 40% E Heated Pet Mats with Cover Es Available in 3 sizes. Removcble TUE [° SAVE $50 139 6 Gallon Pancake Air Compressor Operates at up to 150ps. Dual quick couplers. Universal motor for fleece cover. Automaïicaly regulates to your pels body temperature. Reg. 169.99-189.99 296823, 28, 43 volige stat & cold weather start Reg. 189.99 3568573

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