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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 03.02 au 09.02 - Page n° 7

Circulaire Peavey Mart 03.02.2023 - 09.02.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

Si Take Advantage of our Financing Offers!* € Fsirstone LUC SAVE $10 599? Full Synthetic Air Compressor Oil 1 gallon. Reg. 69.99 3522680 SAVE $3 467 Chisel Air Hammer Aluminum body design, touch contrl igger & shock obsorbing handle. Reg. 49.99 800440689 SAVE 10% Select Air Hoses 1007547-52, 55-56 SAVE 20% 14% Protorch Oxygen Cylinder 1.40z For use vilh MAPP gas or propylene to produce higher temperature flame & higher heat output, Ideal for professional welding 8 melol cuting, Reg. 18.49 3530658 SAVE 10% Lincoln Wire & Rod Indludes brazing rod, vire & more. UE TEEU SAVE $260 1 5 69°? pt Now* 20 Gallon es Horizontal Air Compressor 1.6hp. Vin cylinder, ol kbricoted pump. Reg. 829.99 231638 SAVE $130 599°° 15 Gallon Compressor 1.8hp continuous. Features 5.Ascim ot POpsi & 200psi max lank sioroge pressure. 2% #5 EE SAVE 25% Steel & Metal Stock Assored options vailoble HILLMAN 7) “Discount opplis to regulor price items on. SAVE $20 99 69% "119 Big Max Black Auto Darkening Propane Torch Welding Helmet Peroct for buring brush & weods with clean & efficient than LP gas eliminating cousic chemicals in he environment & around sensitive plants. 201562 Lighiweight, molded nylon with a ratcheting headgear & moisture absorbing headband lining Reg. 89.99 3515124 CU, SAVE $50 264°”° FC-90 Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder Indudes shouldersrop, 6 ot coble wih comp, 8 gun &coble assemb) f & sandord 15 mp, à 120V, 6 power cord. Reg. 314.99 3007409 Make No Make No 24 «1 Payments for Payments for JA Equol Monthly JT Equol Honihiy 6 Months.” 12 Months. LOTUS LUTTE ns ph Sam Sera dk, étre 9 13 Gallon Air Compressor 1.5hp. 150psi & delivery of Aclm at 90psi 1014325 CAMPBELL $ HAUSFELD 26 Piece Air Accessory Kit MB Preset for 105psi on/135psi off. À Œ £ 3 A-port switch with bleeder. $ s Reg. 36.99 Fe 3522677 ———, 7 SAVE $120 rROK 4897 Storage Box Set Set includes (1) 45 x 23-3/4" x 22° &(1) 32° x 18 x 18-3/8" storage box. Heavy gauge steel construction for long lasting durobility. Reg 609.99 402211 SAVE $130 CE 799 Electric Easy Mig 180 Bonus Mega Bundle Bonus bundle includes Ru core vire, MG vire, welding gloves, welding chip homme, vire brush, sofey glass, Lincoln beanie 8 dufel bog Reg. 929.99 =) Es

Derniéres circulaires

Si Take Advantage of our Financing Offers!* € Fsirstone LUC SAVE $10 599? Full Synthetic Air Compressor Oil 1 gallon. Reg. 69.99 3522680 SAVE $3 467 Chisel Air Hammer Aluminum body design, touch contrl igger & shock obsorbing handle. Reg. 49.99 800440689 SAVE 10% Select Air Hoses 1007547-52, 55-56 SAVE 20% 14% Protorch Oxygen Cylinder 1.40z For use vilh MAPP gas or propylene to produce higher temperature flame & higher heat output, Ideal for professional welding 8 melol cuting, Reg. 18.49 3530658 SAVE 10% Lincoln Wire & Rod Indludes brazing rod, vire & more. UE TEEU SAVE $260 1 5 69°? pt Now* 20 Gallon es Horizontal Air Compressor 1.6hp. Vin cylinder, ol kbricoted pump. Reg. 829.99 231638 SAVE $130 599°° 15 Gallon Compressor 1.8hp continuous. Features 5.Ascim ot POpsi & 200psi max lank sioroge pressure. 2% #5 EE SAVE 25% Steel & Metal Stock Assored options vailoble HILLMAN 7) “Discount opplis to regulor price items on. SAVE $20 99 69% "119 Big Max Black Auto Darkening Propane Torch Welding Helmet Peroct for buring brush & weods with clean & efficient than LP gas eliminating cousic chemicals in he environment & around sensitive plants. 201562 Lighiweight, molded nylon with a ratcheting headgear & moisture absorbing headband lining Reg. 89.99 3515124 CU, SAVE $50 264°”° FC-90 Flux-Cored Wire Feed Welder Indudes shouldersrop, 6 ot coble wih comp, 8 gun &coble assemb) f & sandord 15 mp, à 120V, 6 power cord. Reg. 314.99 3007409 Make No Make No 24 «1 Payments for Payments for JA Equol Monthly JT Equol Honihiy 6 Months.” 12 Months. LOTUS LUTTE ns ph Sam Sera dk, étre 9 13 Gallon Air Compressor 1.5hp. 150psi & delivery of Aclm at 90psi 1014325 CAMPBELL $ HAUSFELD 26 Piece Air Accessory Kit MB Preset for 105psi on/135psi off. À Œ £ 3 A-port switch with bleeder. $ s Reg. 36.99 Fe 3522677 ———, 7 SAVE $120 rROK 4897 Storage Box Set Set includes (1) 45 x 23-3/4" x 22° &(1) 32° x 18 x 18-3/8" storage box. Heavy gauge steel construction for long lasting durobility. Reg 609.99 402211 SAVE $130 CE 799 Electric Easy Mig 180 Bonus Mega Bundle Bonus bundle includes Ru core vire, MG vire, welding gloves, welding chip homme, vire brush, sofey glass, Lincoln beanie 8 dufel bog Reg. 929.99 =) Es

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