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Circulaire actuelle Real Canadian Superstore - Valable à partir du 05.12 au 11.12 - Page n° 1

Circulaire Real Canadian Superstore 05.12.2024 - 11.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

Planters salted mixed nuts, 15 q Limit: 6, over limit retail $3,50 SanPellegrino Naturali Halian sparkding drinks Selected varieties, 6x330 mL Limit: 4; over limit retoil S6.00: Christie Mini Cookies, Snak Paks Selected-vorieties, 150-200 g Wonderful Pistachios, Salted & Unsalted, 225 g Limit: 6, over limit retoil S5.00 PC? or PC® Blue Menu English Muffins, Selected varieties, 65, 342 g Limit: 4, over limit retail $2.99 LOWEST PRICES As compared to other major grouery rekilers win your locel trade arecs. Must be 8 registered PC Optimensi® member to get his of Valid from December 11. 311, 2024, Wide quontiis last. No roinchatks RCSS FLAP HOTM

Derniéres circulaires

Planters salted mixed nuts, 15 q Limit: 6, over limit retail $3,50 SanPellegrino Naturali Halian sparkding drinks Selected varieties, 6x330 mL Limit: 4; over limit retoil S6.00: Christie Mini Cookies, Snak Paks Selected-vorieties, 150-200 g Wonderful Pistachios, Salted & Unsalted, 225 g Limit: 6, over limit retoil S5.00 PC? or PC® Blue Menu English Muffins, Selected varieties, 65, 342 g Limit: 4, over limit retail $2.99 LOWEST PRICES As compared to other major grouery rekilers win your locel trade arecs. Must be 8 registered PC Optimensi® member to get his of Valid from December 11. 311, 2024, Wide quontiis last. No roinchatks RCSS FLAP HOTM

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