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Circulaire actuelle Thrifty Foods - Valable à partir du 13.02 au 19.02 - Page n° 2

Circulaire Thrifty Foods 13.02.2025 - 19.02.2025

Les produits de cette circulaire

prit y AS se @29 (0-1) 1222 Product of Morocco ____ ŒSIBISSONPED sum pos L EXEUSVEREMHEMMENSED Asian her 1 San pers APpetrer se | FF s Available Bacon LA el - Chilled No Nitrates. 250-350 g Added, 500 g Product of Port Alberni OUR 3% 3 œ Strawberries Compliments … Smoked Salmon Lôx Trim 4 Thrifty Kitchens 42° RSS ROMCTOEX @&22 Brie or Previous|y Frozen sd 9. Fresh Sausages RSA or.Mexico FA% Camembert … Product ofVancouver Kitchen 9 product of Victoria ack, 372 9 Ab, 454 9 Pack cu Compliments _ ee L. ms ay Lea mure | 849: 62° ::: 32° Packaged in ne . fe ES Island Farms f Sour Cream 3 Beverages 500 m_ Gay L La nn Lu Made in Viétoria butter tt larieties a of Liberté Greek U er | 175-189 L or Méditerranée + 7 SALTED , , Yogurt 2-4 Pack’500 g or LL PA M | op Source Protein Yogurt 650 g 97 49 x 99 5) Superfries 454-800 g Excu Excu Heinz ] Ésh Hs Ketchi 780 mL mm | Detergent 261. or Kraft Flings! 31 Pack, Miracle Whip Tide Simply 34 L, 8-24 Rolls, or Mayonnaise Downy or Gain Sponge Towels 650-890 ml Softener 1.66-2.63 L 3-6 Pack or or 379 g or Scotties Bounce Sheets 120 Pack DO 13% À Facial Tissue 6 Pack 19°° Ex Compliments \ Canned | Starbucks Coffee Quaker 793-907 g or Granola Bars Re K-Cup Pods Club Pack __— 24 Pack 935-960 g Tomatoes 540-796 mL CUSTOMER CARE: 1 266 948 196 PARTY PLATTER HOTLINE: 250 483 1666 Vi wmifiyfoods com fer hours of operation and store and pharmacy cations For every ton of paper used in the printing of this fyer, SJC's Partners in Growth x ble sed. P an : s program will contribute to the planting of a tree through Trees for Life Canada. GEOX S

Derniéres circulaires

prit y AS se @29 (0-1) 1222 Product of Morocco ____ ŒSIBISSONPED sum pos L EXEUSVEREMHEMMENSED Asian her 1 San pers APpetrer se | FF s Available Bacon LA el - Chilled No Nitrates. 250-350 g Added, 500 g Product of Port Alberni OUR 3% 3 œ Strawberries Compliments … Smoked Salmon Lôx Trim 4 Thrifty Kitchens 42° RSS ROMCTOEX @&22 Brie or Previous|y Frozen sd 9. Fresh Sausages RSA or.Mexico FA% Camembert … Product ofVancouver Kitchen 9 product of Victoria ack, 372 9 Ab, 454 9 Pack cu Compliments _ ee L. ms ay Lea mure | 849: 62° ::: 32° Packaged in ne . fe ES Island Farms f Sour Cream 3 Beverages 500 m_ Gay L La nn Lu Made in Viétoria butter tt larieties a of Liberté Greek U er | 175-189 L or Méditerranée + 7 SALTED , , Yogurt 2-4 Pack’500 g or LL PA M | op Source Protein Yogurt 650 g 97 49 x 99 5) Superfries 454-800 g Excu Excu Heinz ] Ésh Hs Ketchi 780 mL mm | Detergent 261. or Kraft Flings! 31 Pack, Miracle Whip Tide Simply 34 L, 8-24 Rolls, or Mayonnaise Downy or Gain Sponge Towels 650-890 ml Softener 1.66-2.63 L 3-6 Pack or or 379 g or Scotties Bounce Sheets 120 Pack DO 13% À Facial Tissue 6 Pack 19°° Ex Compliments \ Canned | Starbucks Coffee Quaker 793-907 g or Granola Bars Re K-Cup Pods Club Pack __— 24 Pack 935-960 g Tomatoes 540-796 mL CUSTOMER CARE: 1 266 948 196 PARTY PLATTER HOTLINE: 250 483 1666 Vi wmifiyfoods com fer hours of operation and store and pharmacy cations For every ton of paper used in the printing of this fyer, SJC's Partners in Growth x ble sed. P an : s program will contribute to the planting of a tree through Trees for Life Canada. GEOX S

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