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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 15.09 au 21.09 - Page n° 13

Circulaire Peavey Mart 15.09.2023 - 21.09.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

MEDIUM HOME FRE 3997 Shed-in-a-Box 10' x 10 x 8° shedl hos a small footprint & big value when space is at a premium. Reg. 579.99 243789 A ARROW SAVE 25% Neoprene Footwear AAssorted brands, syles 8 sizes for men, women & youth, Reg. 59.99-199.99 “Discount oplies to regular price items on. UE PE CEE PO (An AT A LE uen Ü IL) LL SAVE $90 299°° M181" FUELT" Bare Brushless 1/2” High Torque Impact Wrench Eliminates he need lo use a pneumatic tool for hose stubborn & rusted bols Reg. 389.99 1000073 Bore took do not inde baies. SAVE 30% Camping & RV Products Assoried brends & options available. NenelRbbemaït CD 75 440» 3500/4375W Generator Easy monitor frequency, vols, fotal run fime. Power an RV air conditioner Reg. 599.99 3523617 SAVE $30 299°° HARVESTRI $150 Heavy Duty Shelving 77 wx 24 dx h. Ideal for office, garage or workahop. Durable 16501b5/750kg per shelf every distributed weight capaciy Reg. 329.99 402664 SAVE $20 HARVESTGEAR SAVE 10% 59% A 14° Polycotton Regular Mouth Coveralls Canning Jars 500ml Available in black, 12 pack a navy, charcoel & green. Reg. 15.99 Sizes 34-56, 387-567. 619500 Regular Mouth Canning Jars 1L 12 pack. 619502 Reg. 20.29 18.19 Ra 2) 499 Fluid 9.46L Nontoxe, stcble, odourless & colourless. 1000905 She 761HG. 700977-701064 Reg. 79.99 ET LE) Diesel Exhaust SAVE $100 749°° Instinct 18 Gun Safe 4 point ocking system. Comes wih lock down {anchoring) kit. Adjustable barre rests & foam padding for shelves. Reg. 849.99 3504930 S os sh Cet D Fri | TT ee PROUDLY SERVING RURAL COMMUNITIES SINCE 1967 TR EL unavailable we will issue rain checks. This does not apply for s reserve Îhe right lo correct printing errors. We reserve 1e righ environmental or disposal fées; Ihése fees may vary by province 1e TS CN EN ARE ES EL EU ÉTIENNE limit quantities. Some products may Te OT EAN

Derniéres circulaires

MEDIUM HOME FRE 3997 Shed-in-a-Box 10' x 10 x 8° shedl hos a small footprint & big value when space is at a premium. Reg. 579.99 243789 A ARROW SAVE 25% Neoprene Footwear AAssorted brands, syles 8 sizes for men, women & youth, Reg. 59.99-199.99 “Discount oplies to regular price items on. UE PE CEE PO (An AT A LE uen Ü IL) LL SAVE $90 299°° M181" FUELT" Bare Brushless 1/2” High Torque Impact Wrench Eliminates he need lo use a pneumatic tool for hose stubborn & rusted bols Reg. 389.99 1000073 Bore took do not inde baies. SAVE 30% Camping & RV Products Assoried brends & options available. NenelRbbemaït CD 75 440» 3500/4375W Generator Easy monitor frequency, vols, fotal run fime. Power an RV air conditioner Reg. 599.99 3523617 SAVE $30 299°° HARVESTRI $150 Heavy Duty Shelving 77 wx 24 dx h. Ideal for office, garage or workahop. Durable 16501b5/750kg per shelf every distributed weight capaciy Reg. 329.99 402664 SAVE $20 HARVESTGEAR SAVE 10% 59% A 14° Polycotton Regular Mouth Coveralls Canning Jars 500ml Available in black, 12 pack a navy, charcoel & green. Reg. 15.99 Sizes 34-56, 387-567. 619500 Regular Mouth Canning Jars 1L 12 pack. 619502 Reg. 20.29 18.19 Ra 2) 499 Fluid 9.46L Nontoxe, stcble, odourless & colourless. 1000905 She 761HG. 700977-701064 Reg. 79.99 ET LE) Diesel Exhaust SAVE $100 749°° Instinct 18 Gun Safe 4 point ocking system. Comes wih lock down {anchoring) kit. Adjustable barre rests & foam padding for shelves. Reg. 849.99 3504930 S os sh Cet D Fri | TT ee PROUDLY SERVING RURAL COMMUNITIES SINCE 1967 TR EL unavailable we will issue rain checks. This does not apply for s reserve Îhe right lo correct printing errors. We reserve 1e righ environmental or disposal fées; Ihése fees may vary by province 1e TS CN EN ARE ES EL EU ÉTIENNE limit quantities. Some products may Te OT EAN

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