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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 15.09 au 21.09 - Page n° 10

Circulaire Peavey Mart 15.09.2023 - 21.09.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 35% SAVE $15 25 3997? SN 26 Piece Air Accessory Kit 50’ Air Hose 80 Gallon come en Fram A Compressor cf prjechs. can be used wih 10 65°C. 300psi voding Industiol performance ny air compressor & hose pressure. Ligheïght & delivers maximum Reg. 36.99 Es easy to handle. dim at 17Spsi 3622677 TR Reg 7499 Reg 299999 D 255154 758111 20 Gallon 60 Gallon Compressor Compressor 1.6hp cast iron, V-hwin Vertical. Cast iron, win cpinder, ail kbricated pinder oilubricated pump. 1 36psi maximum pump. 13cm at pressure. 6.2cim at 4Opsi AOpa/1 15cm at 9Opsi 5.3cfm at 9Opsi Reg. 1,099.99 Reg. 79999 755110 231637 SAVE 10% HIELMAN SAVE 10% SAVE 10% Mis. SAVE 10% @hrsen SAVE 15% Es Steel Metal Stock Safety Glasses Air Compressor Welding Gloves CL 69 Assorted options available. Assoried . & Accessories ‘Assoried oplions & sizes available. ] 8 ‘options available. Reg. 4.99-49. 8 Reg. 12.99-25.99 Fer Ù nm" Foam Padded //, CPP e- Et To HA sé “Din plis equlo pricod ms on *Dsoun pps reguer pd es on +4 prend iems ch. “Déunt pps orgue pins on SAVE 15% PROTORCH SAVE 15% SAVE $25 SAVE $40 HOBART Protorch Welding Gas 3 ] 99 44°? | 5 89°? 531 Dust Mask 20 Pack Radiator Genie Acetylene Lighiweight comfort. Double 2 Pack Tag-A-Long Kit shell construction. Adiustable Æ Al purpose waler & air diodes. bon foam cushioned nosepiece. cleaning wands. Adjustable regulators & reverse els æ pressure 8 flow flow check valres SKU Description Reg. Sale Reg. 38.99 lé Reg. 69.99 Reg. 629.99 3530659 Propaneldloz 1199 1019 290274 276499 395352 3530658 Oxygen 1.407. 179 1529 Ÿ 3530657 Gas lé.loz. 1899 16.14 % SAVE 309 Es SAVE $40 99 TRE Fin SAVE $50 99 69 [ 49 Easy Weld 20P 849 Black Auto O'Canada Plasma Cutter Easy MIG 180 Welder Darkenin, Welding Helmet 120V, 20 AMP, plasma cuir. Simple ho Hncb control Welding Helmet O'Camoda graphes. Soler nn sn ait le le powerdlens. Vardble sn nl CA EE ik rachaing andgeor D co'eau re Re 009 res ce work, DIV & metal art. 253681 Reg 8999 Reg. 189.99 Ss47081 3515124 275204 LA CUT CURO NET RNe TETE) Not sloched in allocations.

Derniéres circulaires

SAVE 35% SAVE $15 25 3997? SN 26 Piece Air Accessory Kit 50’ Air Hose 80 Gallon come en Fram A Compressor cf prjechs. can be used wih 10 65°C. 300psi voding Industiol performance ny air compressor & hose pressure. Ligheïght & delivers maximum Reg. 36.99 Es easy to handle. dim at 17Spsi 3622677 TR Reg 7499 Reg 299999 D 255154 758111 20 Gallon 60 Gallon Compressor Compressor 1.6hp cast iron, V-hwin Vertical. Cast iron, win cpinder, ail kbricated pinder oilubricated pump. 1 36psi maximum pump. 13cm at pressure. 6.2cim at 4Opsi AOpa/1 15cm at 9Opsi 5.3cfm at 9Opsi Reg. 1,099.99 Reg. 79999 755110 231637 SAVE 10% HIELMAN SAVE 10% SAVE 10% Mis. SAVE 10% @hrsen SAVE 15% Es Steel Metal Stock Safety Glasses Air Compressor Welding Gloves CL 69 Assorted options available. Assoried . & Accessories ‘Assoried oplions & sizes available. ] 8 ‘options available. Reg. 4.99-49. 8 Reg. 12.99-25.99 Fer Ù nm" Foam Padded //, CPP e- Et To HA sé “Din plis equlo pricod ms on *Dsoun pps reguer pd es on +4 prend iems ch. “Déunt pps orgue pins on SAVE 15% PROTORCH SAVE 15% SAVE $25 SAVE $40 HOBART Protorch Welding Gas 3 ] 99 44°? | 5 89°? 531 Dust Mask 20 Pack Radiator Genie Acetylene Lighiweight comfort. Double 2 Pack Tag-A-Long Kit shell construction. Adiustable Æ Al purpose waler & air diodes. bon foam cushioned nosepiece. cleaning wands. Adjustable regulators & reverse els æ pressure 8 flow flow check valres SKU Description Reg. Sale Reg. 38.99 lé Reg. 69.99 Reg. 629.99 3530659 Propaneldloz 1199 1019 290274 276499 395352 3530658 Oxygen 1.407. 179 1529 Ÿ 3530657 Gas lé.loz. 1899 16.14 % SAVE 309 Es SAVE $40 99 TRE Fin SAVE $50 99 69 [ 49 Easy Weld 20P 849 Black Auto O'Canada Plasma Cutter Easy MIG 180 Welder Darkenin, Welding Helmet 120V, 20 AMP, plasma cuir. Simple ho Hncb control Welding Helmet O'Camoda graphes. Soler nn sn ait le le powerdlens. Vardble sn nl CA EE ik rachaing andgeor D co'eau re Re 009 res ce work, DIV & metal art. 253681 Reg 8999 Reg. 189.99 Ss47081 3515124 275204 LA CUT CURO NET RNe TETE) Not sloched in allocations.

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