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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 15.09 au 21.09 - Page n° 8

Circulaire Peavey Mart 15.09.2023 - 21.09.2023

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE $5 PAPFUSION SAVE S1O PAPFUSION SAVE $20 24% 29% 120%, 9997 ES 750/1500W 1500W 4800/3600W Portable 80,000 BTU Compact Fan Heater Ceramic Heater Construction Heater Natural G Energy eficient vih 2 Fear duscble Carry handle. Requires a . aïural Gas ings. Adiu # 1, ings rounded 3 pr n Om indien on Say Dir ii Garage Heater protection, Safety © Hip over switch 3566920 includes 2 ongle brackets for ceiling Hiprover switch Rog. 39.9 mount. Heas up to 1000 sq, buihin Power light indicator. 602088 electric high velocity fan. Reg. 29.99 È Reg. 1,099.99 323808 à 201532 SAVE $30 tes SAVE 30% fmtege SAVE 5130 D 1909 7 1959 709% 18,000 BTU Big Buddy Buddy FLEXTM Heater 50,000 BTU Portable Heater 11,000 BTU. High Perfommance, Garage Heater Low orygen & accidentol p-over safe omnidireconol mesh burner 28x88" x 17 shutoff. Connects directly to 2lb. cylinders. provides high intensity Heats up to 1250 sq, À. era radiant heat in a ll Reg. 92999 sold separateh. 180° spread. 201544 _ Reg. 229.99 Reg. 279.99 201692 - s 3505990 SAVE 10% SAVES10 POFMSRE SAVES20 SUMADECF SAVE $20 paca Durastart Batteries - PER EE 20 59 7 130 Reg. 4.99-20.49 a 3503087-47 5000 Lumen É 150 LED Triple Head 1600 Lumen LED COB LED Bulb Solar Motion Light Solar Street Lamp Dés ls md ol Pro cuit D ds larme Me SAVE 20% HEAT | 20900 hour LD pen. for maimun in cerge D Mesa rode se ms ec re Po © À À a | L un “Discount apps 1 reg priced ms oh. —_ “Pole not included SAVE 40% Il uv SAVE 199 SAVE 0 9 SAVE 500 479 » « 14 29 39° n Male HD 3 Prong Plug M 3 Outlet 2 USB 16/3 Trouble Lights 50’ Extension Cord M w Power Bars Gr tar nt 15 mes 2 D Peel 77 Acidenon patin ee de =. 70 o ' 3559137359 . ae = —> C Heat Pellets oÿ (e1 = < & ; 59 461040 ° |. 100% Canadian Owned & Operated |7 a

Derniéres circulaires

SAVE $5 PAPFUSION SAVE S1O PAPFUSION SAVE $20 24% 29% 120%, 9997 ES 750/1500W 1500W 4800/3600W Portable 80,000 BTU Compact Fan Heater Ceramic Heater Construction Heater Natural G Energy eficient vih 2 Fear duscble Carry handle. Requires a . aïural Gas ings. Adiu # 1, ings rounded 3 pr n Om indien on Say Dir ii Garage Heater protection, Safety © Hip over switch 3566920 includes 2 ongle brackets for ceiling Hiprover switch Rog. 39.9 mount. Heas up to 1000 sq, buihin Power light indicator. 602088 electric high velocity fan. Reg. 29.99 È Reg. 1,099.99 323808 à 201532 SAVE $30 tes SAVE 30% fmtege SAVE 5130 D 1909 7 1959 709% 18,000 BTU Big Buddy Buddy FLEXTM Heater 50,000 BTU Portable Heater 11,000 BTU. High Perfommance, Garage Heater Low orygen & accidentol p-over safe omnidireconol mesh burner 28x88" x 17 shutoff. Connects directly to 2lb. cylinders. provides high intensity Heats up to 1250 sq, À. era radiant heat in a ll Reg. 92999 sold separateh. 180° spread. 201544 _ Reg. 229.99 Reg. 279.99 201692 - s 3505990 SAVE 10% SAVES10 POFMSRE SAVES20 SUMADECF SAVE $20 paca Durastart Batteries - PER EE 20 59 7 130 Reg. 4.99-20.49 a 3503087-47 5000 Lumen É 150 LED Triple Head 1600 Lumen LED COB LED Bulb Solar Motion Light Solar Street Lamp Dés ls md ol Pro cuit D ds larme Me SAVE 20% HEAT | 20900 hour LD pen. for maimun in cerge D Mesa rode se ms ec re Po © À À a | L un “Discount apps 1 reg priced ms oh. —_ “Pole not included SAVE 40% Il uv SAVE 199 SAVE 0 9 SAVE 500 479 » « 14 29 39° n Male HD 3 Prong Plug M 3 Outlet 2 USB 16/3 Trouble Lights 50’ Extension Cord M w Power Bars Gr tar nt 15 mes 2 D Peel 77 Acidenon patin ee de =. 70 o ' 3559137359 . ae = —> C Heat Pellets oÿ (e1 = < & ; 59 461040 ° |. 100% Canadian Owned & Operated |7 a

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