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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 13.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 11

Circulaire Peavey Mart 13.12.2024 - 18.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

SAVE 399 ES SAVE 10% 99 SAVE 099 2 Re 2 ea 99 æ 152°° æ 329 3 Piece Modular KP 12 Gallon Wet/Dry WF 5 Drawer Tool Cart L Rolling Tool Box Vacuum 33.8 Wx20.8° D x41.4"H F AI 3 pieces stack & interlock hp plastic vacuum with The lid is held up by gos Telescoping handle. blower function, struts, keeping your tools Bottom lool box has 7° integrated hose k easily accessible. allterrain wheels for storage & 12’ cord Reg. 459.99 ‘easy mobility. large drain port. 3004157 Reg. 14499 Reg. 169.99 3568173 3553387 SAVE 2e SAVE $200 7er heures SAVE $100 Welding Helmets Se Assorted brands & oplons available. 5 99 99 Includes select discontinued items. PATES Easy Weld 20P AC225 Arc Welder Plasma Cutter Proven for generations, he 120V, 20 amp, plasma cutter. Ideal AC225 was built to lost a for sheet metal to in plate cutting, lifetime. 40-225 amps AC \ ‘auto-body, farm & ranch, nr ee use of £a ee ns M dicmeter mild sel 3 DIY & metal art. stick electrodes. Reg. 799.9 Reg. 739.99 3547081 236115 EME nono: No roi hack Lu SE SAVE 20% MitimAaN SAVE $200 DEWALT SAVE $180 Hillman Metal Stock AAssorted sizes & options available. 2499 Reg. 1.29-129.99 = LL Le 799 60 Gallon Compressor 11 Drawer _. 50hp.Fecures 15.3 a 1O0ps Tool Cabinet Discount applies l regulr prceditems onb. à LV is iso dates a ee she . _, aie molor wi hero ah dosed._ rs system Loups rover SAVE $10 Empiré> oiood probcion “dosed, Fil exnsion bol beoring 4° Reg. 2699.99 > ‘drower sides hold 100, Large 231652 dravers are equipped wi doal| 12” Rafter Square Tough, durable Polycast material. Reg. 1499 3512839 proie 1 549 SAVE 20% SAVE $150 Ca lo Air Hoses & Air Hose Reels 99 m Frameless Assorted brands & options available. Safety Glasses DEWALT Includes select discontinued items. Hord coated Reg. 9.97-349.99 13 Gallon Air pohtonc les Er Compressor k . (= se SAVE $17 e { 4 ( na Foi 29° : \ _ Le ” 1014325 SAW eciprocating Det Blades 12 Péck | Disposable Earplugs Reg. 46.99 Lcd 10 pad. 1008358 Solace me ver 10 pa Lime 10 exaing mventory. No roin check. 3516637 nd out more at

SAVE 399 ES SAVE 10% 99 SAVE 099 2 Re 2 ea 99 æ 152°° æ 329 3 Piece Modular KP 12 Gallon Wet/Dry WF 5 Drawer Tool Cart L Rolling Tool Box Vacuum 33.8 Wx20.8° D x41.4"H F AI 3 pieces stack & interlock hp plastic vacuum with The lid is held up by gos Telescoping handle. blower function, struts, keeping your tools Bottom lool box has 7° integrated hose k easily accessible. allterrain wheels for storage & 12’ cord Reg. 459.99 ‘easy mobility. large drain port. 3004157 Reg. 14499 Reg. 169.99 3568173 3553387 SAVE 2e SAVE $200 7er heures SAVE $100 Welding Helmets Se Assorted brands & oplons available. 5 99 99 Includes select discontinued items. PATES Easy Weld 20P AC225 Arc Welder Plasma Cutter Proven for generations, he 120V, 20 amp, plasma cutter. Ideal AC225 was built to lost a for sheet metal to in plate cutting, lifetime. 40-225 amps AC \ ‘auto-body, farm & ranch, nr ee use of £a ee ns M dicmeter mild sel 3 DIY & metal art. stick electrodes. Reg. 799.9 Reg. 739.99 3547081 236115 EME nono: No roi hack Lu SE SAVE 20% MitimAaN SAVE $200 DEWALT SAVE $180 Hillman Metal Stock AAssorted sizes & options available. 2499 Reg. 1.29-129.99 = LL Le 799 60 Gallon Compressor 11 Drawer _. 50hp.Fecures 15.3 a 1O0ps Tool Cabinet Discount applies l regulr prceditems onb. à LV is iso dates a ee she . _, aie molor wi hero ah dosed._ rs system Loups rover SAVE $10 Empiré> oiood probcion “dosed, Fil exnsion bol beoring 4° Reg. 2699.99 > ‘drower sides hold 100, Large 231652 dravers are equipped wi doal| 12” Rafter Square Tough, durable Polycast material. Reg. 1499 3512839 proie 1 549 SAVE 20% SAVE $150 Ca lo Air Hoses & Air Hose Reels 99 m Frameless Assorted brands & options available. Safety Glasses DEWALT Includes select discontinued items. Hord coated Reg. 9.97-349.99 13 Gallon Air pohtonc les Er Compressor k . (= se SAVE $17 e { 4 ( na Foi 29° : \ _ Le ” 1014325 SAW eciprocating Det Blades 12 Péck | Disposable Earplugs Reg. 46.99 Lcd 10 pad. 1008358 Solace me ver 10 pa Lime 10 exaing mventory. No roin check. 3516637 nd out more at

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