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Circulaire actuelle Peavey Mart - Valable à partir du 13.12 au 18.12 - Page n° 12

Circulaire Peavey Mart 13.12.2024 - 18.12.2024

Les produits de cette circulaire

299°° Starting ot $27/mo with affiem AT ES NTS S (DITS SAVE $20 39°? 1500W Radiant Electric Heater 2 heat settings. 1250/1500W. Automañc overheat proscion Safety tip-over switch. Reg. 59.99 323803 PBROFUSION' SAVE $20 189°° Airmax Wood Stove Fan Maoves up 10 175 eu. f of air per minute. Reg. 209.99 323648 Airmax Wood Stove Fan 125cfm. 129.99 SAVE $50 SAVE $30 99°? 1500W Infared Quartz Heater 3 heat satings. Remote control vh LED indicotor. Adjustoble hermostat Overhoat prolection & safety tip-over switch. Reg. 129.99 351690 Infrared Quartz Heater 2 heat settings: 70/1 500W. 351889 Reg. 89.99 PROFUSION 59.99 TER 249°° Starting at $22/mo with afffm) 50,000 BTU Kerosene Heater Hocis up to 1250 sq, Continuous ignition. Overheat saety shutdoun. Endosed motor Reg. 299.99 201796 Shown 08 9.97% AP 323825 Rog. 149.99. ES cbr maniog SAVE 10% SAVE 50€ SAVE $5 @PGPMESREN SAVE 10% ice Melt 10kg 749 EE=A | SFASONAL CLEARANCE 19% © Stainless Steel Fitings Assoried brands & 1 1 49 [SAVE $8 | Assoried PU pions available Clean & Protect Jiffy 46" LED Shop Light Reg. 2.49-27.99 Reg. 499-1099 Water Softening 72 Pellet Pro Greenhouse … Linkoble up 10 6 units. PS AIEn Pellets 18.1kg 72 cell. Comes pre looded with 72 Pull chain switch. À AR mm 99 Re ren 199 99361 5108 é A1 Reg. 7.99 A 02 CRE FRA pe price seb, SAVE 45% SPGPRERES SAVE $20 SPGPHREY SAVE $20 SPGPMEREN SAVE $20 FWAGAN 6000 Lumen Folding 1500 Lumen LED Solar 10,000 Lumen 2000 Lumen Solar LED Utility Bulb Motion Security Light LED COB Bulb Wall Light Medium screw base. Triple head. Es to Standard medium screw Adiustable beom, automatic 308 sq. fr lighiing coverage. instal. Energy soving base. 85W (500W right-time actialon 8 5-hour paca Reg. 39.99 Detachoble incandescent equivalent) auto turn of. Features 3 lighing 3563440 solar panel. Reg. 59.99 modes, mañon sensor, sordhy & M Reg. 59.99 3563439 constant 20 lumen night light en . 3556092 Reg. 79.99 3570939 SNS SAVE $40 Pro@lw SAVE $150 SAVE $200 Mn 007 649°° 799® © Reg. 47.99:299.99 ProGlo 100’ 14/3 Starting at $62/mo with afffem) 5500/6800W Extension Cords # | 2300W Inverter Generator Available in blue, donner Electric, pushrbutton start. Re 1998 D pan oumdeicrgne Se pari aan 495545, bio & boter ue economy. protcion for opplionces 496729-30 Reg. 799.99 Never-flot tires. 3523616 Reg 999.99 mt nee np der des _ À ERA ER CU AOUIDEEE7r4 RENAN]

299°° Starting ot $27/mo with affiem AT ES NTS S (DITS SAVE $20 39°? 1500W Radiant Electric Heater 2 heat settings. 1250/1500W. Automañc overheat proscion Safety tip-over switch. Reg. 59.99 323803 PBROFUSION' SAVE $20 189°° Airmax Wood Stove Fan Maoves up 10 175 eu. f of air per minute. Reg. 209.99 323648 Airmax Wood Stove Fan 125cfm. 129.99 SAVE $50 SAVE $30 99°? 1500W Infared Quartz Heater 3 heat satings. Remote control vh LED indicotor. Adjustoble hermostat Overhoat prolection & safety tip-over switch. Reg. 129.99 351690 Infrared Quartz Heater 2 heat settings: 70/1 500W. 351889 Reg. 89.99 PROFUSION 59.99 TER 249°° Starting at $22/mo with afffm) 50,000 BTU Kerosene Heater Hocis up to 1250 sq, Continuous ignition. Overheat saety shutdoun. Endosed motor Reg. 299.99 201796 Shown 08 9.97% AP 323825 Rog. 149.99. ES cbr maniog SAVE 10% SAVE 50€ SAVE $5 @PGPMESREN SAVE 10% ice Melt 10kg 749 EE=A | SFASONAL CLEARANCE 19% © Stainless Steel Fitings Assoried brands & 1 1 49 [SAVE $8 | Assoried PU pions available Clean & Protect Jiffy 46" LED Shop Light Reg. 2.49-27.99 Reg. 499-1099 Water Softening 72 Pellet Pro Greenhouse … Linkoble up 10 6 units. PS AIEn Pellets 18.1kg 72 cell. Comes pre looded with 72 Pull chain switch. À AR mm 99 Re ren 199 99361 5108 é A1 Reg. 7.99 A 02 CRE FRA pe price seb, SAVE 45% SPGPRERES SAVE $20 SPGPHREY SAVE $20 SPGPMEREN SAVE $20 FWAGAN 6000 Lumen Folding 1500 Lumen LED Solar 10,000 Lumen 2000 Lumen Solar LED Utility Bulb Motion Security Light LED COB Bulb Wall Light Medium screw base. Triple head. Es to Standard medium screw Adiustable beom, automatic 308 sq. fr lighiing coverage. instal. Energy soving base. 85W (500W right-time actialon 8 5-hour paca Reg. 39.99 Detachoble incandescent equivalent) auto turn of. Features 3 lighing 3563440 solar panel. Reg. 59.99 modes, mañon sensor, sordhy & M Reg. 59.99 3563439 constant 20 lumen night light en . 3556092 Reg. 79.99 3570939 SNS SAVE $40 Pro@lw SAVE $150 SAVE $200 Mn 007 649°° 799® © Reg. 47.99:299.99 ProGlo 100’ 14/3 Starting at $62/mo with afffem) 5500/6800W Extension Cords # | 2300W Inverter Generator Available in blue, donner Electric, pushrbutton start. Re 1998 D pan oumdeicrgne Se pari aan 495545, bio & boter ue economy. protcion for opplionces 496729-30 Reg. 799.99 Never-flot tires. 3523616 Reg 999.99 mt nee np der des _ À ERA ER CU AOUIDEEE7r4 RENAN]

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